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The sound of a chair screeching as it was pulled up to the other side of his desk, alerted Jeno. The ravenette sighed, still laying against his folded arms as the familiar scent Jaemin wore lingered in the air.

"Hey, Jeno," the pinkette chirped far too enthusiastically on a Thursday morning.

As usual, the older said absolutely nothing. Somehow, Jaemin didn't even need his words, so there was even less of a point in delivering any. He kept his eyes closed, begging for this day to end quicker so that he could go home to where everything was in order and immaculate.

"I had this weird dream last night," the younger continued, never really asking Jeno questions so not to seem pushy or anything. "You see, I was sleeping with Renjun, and it took ages to fall asleep-"

Ugh, he's talking about that person again. When will he give up on him? It's a lost cause......

"But the funny thing was; you were in my dream. And you were talking to me," Jaemin laughed happily, his optimism and friendly nature almost infectious for those around him. "I think it's because you said something when we were in the bathrooms yesterday...."

I was right. I shouldn't have said a damn thing....I need to keep my mouth shut....the ravenette sighed inwardly, shying away from the feeling of Jaemin's folded arms brushing against his. He knew the younger meant no harm, and probably would've left him alone if requested....but Jeno just couldn't bring himself to do it.

To ask him to leave.

"You were wearing this adorable blue sweater, and all three of us were out on the beach...."

I hate beaches and I never wear blue, Jeno wanted to correct him. But a dream was a dream, and how was Na Jaemin to know anything about him when he chose to hold his silence?

Jaemin stared off into space as he reminisced about the night before. Renjun had been in that dream too, and the three of them had gotten along like old friends...It made him wonder why. Aside from wanting to include Jeno in something, he didn't really hold much of a relationship with him. It was just in his kind nature to see a person standing 'outside' and wanting to bring them 'in'.

The bell chimed throughout the school, informing students to return to whichever rooms they were needed in, or to get their books quickly. Jaemin stood, looking down at the resting boy and tilting his head. He won't kill me if I do this.....will he? He's just so cute....

Smiling slightly at his bold actions, the pinkette reached down and ruffled Jeno's hair softly, earning a surprised flinch from the other. "See you later."

The older glanced up reluctantly at him, black hair falling over his eyes cutely as he pouted. "Why?"


"Why did you touch me?"

Ugh, stop being so adorable.... "Because you looked all sad and tired. I'll see you later, okay?" With that, the teen swiftly exited the room, leaving the older to ponder over his strange words. Jaemin had never gone out of his way to touch him, ask him questions, or get too personal in general.

This was a first.

A boy passing the classroom door caught his eye, wearing his uniform untidily with the shirt untucked and the jacket off. Donghyuck, Jeno thought, narrowing his eyes as the other laughed happily with whoever he was hanging around with. Their eyes met briefly, leaving a chilly feeling to trail down the older's spine. The expression the brunette wore said something like 'oh, so he's fine', and the group ran off down the halls out of sight again.

Mark would be coming home tomorrow, so everything was going to return to being difficult again, anyway.

Meanwhile, Renjun was pulling out his books from his locker, subconsciously humming something to himself as he read over the front covers to be sure he had the right ones. The sound of a group of kids messing around behind him made him roll his eyes and hurry up. Unfortunately, he wasn't quick enough as someone fell right against him, crushing his front against the metal door.

"Ugh, Asshole!" The Chinese male hissed as he shoved the other back, only to realise it was his locker neighbour. "Seriously? Donghyuck?"

"Whoops," the younger chuckled without a hint of remorse. "Didn't see you there, Shorty."

"I've literally asked you a hundred times to watch where you're going, yet here we are!" The older hissed, slamming his book down on the brunette's chest. "Read my lips, and fuck off!"

"Woah, chill," Donghyuck chided condescendingly, taking Renjun's wrists and snickering. "You're always so tense, Junnie. Lighten up."

"Don't tell me to 'lighten up'! How I haven't had a broken rib from you and your stupid messing around, I'll never understand. Next time you bump into me, I'll bite you!" Ripping his arms from Donghyuck's grip and stabilising the books in his grasp, he turned on his heels and ignored the snide whistles and coos the group of teenagers threw at his back.

Fucking degenerates, the boy thought grumpily, having no time for immature kids who would get a huge and hard slap from a reality check soon enough.

Within two minutes, Renjun successfully made it to class on time and sat down in his seat quickly. The teacher was still writing lesson preparations up on the board, so everyone was laughing and chatting before needing to get serious. The brunette subtly pulled out a clean and undamaged sheet from his folder, trailing a finger along it while thinking about Jeno.

I really need to get over these feelings, don't I? He told himself, releasing a deep sigh. This wasn't particularly healthy, but it gave him more of a reason to get up every morning, so he let it be.

He gracefully flicked his pen over the paper once again;

Dear Jeno...

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𝗮 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂; norenmin Where stories live. Discover now