Chapter 1

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I wasn't sure why moving to Bon Temps was my sister's solution to a bad, bad break up but it was. I also wasn't sure why I went along, why I left behind everything; but something in my chest told me it was right and that everything would be ok. I drove the last few miles with a yawn. "Man I could use some pot." I spoke to the sleeping figure in the back seat. Getting no response I shook my head. I had let Charity have the last edible and it had knocked her ass flat out.

A large white house loomed in the headlights in front of our car. It had been in some family named Stackhouse for generations before the last owner got married and moved into her husband's place. She had given us a good price and was letting us pay in payments, which was good because neither of us had jobs yet. Although, it wouldn't be too hard for me to find one considering my skills with getting tips. I would probably end up a waitress again. Charity....was a different thing entirely. She was a writer, but most days she was stressed so bad that she needed the pot to relax and never got anything done. I felt bad for her.

I pulled up next to the house and parked. It was quiet. Dark. It unnerved me. One reason our rent was so low was that there had been a violent murder in the house. I gently woke my sibling who grumbled and grabbed her bags from the back before tromping up the old southern style stairs onto the front porch. I watched her repeatedly miss the keyhole, instead getting the sides. I laughed and set down my own bags, taking the key and unlocking the door. She stumbled in and laid on the couch, immediately going back to sleep. I sighed. The things in the trunk could be unpacked tomorrow before the moving vans arrived with our fridge and dishwasher and our beds an me dressers. Anything else we'd have to buy.

I followed my sibling's example and went the fuck to sleep.


The next morning I took the car and went out onto to town to see what businesses there were that I could possibly work for. I didn't want to have to drive all the way to Shreveport everyday but I would. Sitting in the parking lot of the grocery store, I consulted Google maps for nearby restaurants and got one hit that within town. Merlotte's. I began to drive in that direction. Seeing that they served food my hunger had reared its head. Merlot's was busy at noon, surprising for a bar in a small town.

I looked around for anyone who might appear to be in charge. A man behind the bar conversing with a gorgeous dark skinned woman looked up as I approached. "Would you happen to be the owner of this bar?" I asked, extending a hand.

"Sam Merlotte." He shook my hand. "You're new in town. Just passing through?"

"Kayla Parker. And no. My sister and I live here now. We just moved into the old Stackhouse place."

His eyes brightened. "Ah. My wife mentioned you. Where's your sister?"

I skirted the question. "I was wondering if you had any job openings here."

He was nodding. "Sookie is on maternity leave and she was my best waitress. I have a couple spots open." Sam proceeded to give me a basic on the spot interview. "Well," he said. "You're experienced with food and you're just old enough for the job. Do you have a problem wearing the uniform? Some find the shorts too...short." He pointed out one of his waitresses. I shook my head.

"I like it."

"Then welcome aboard."


Waking up, I noticed my head hurt and my eyes were sore. I rubbed them and went to the front porch where all our shit was unloaded. I had missed the moving vans then. In fact it was night. I wondered briefly where Kayla was before my stomach rumbled and distracted me. As I was searching the house for something to eat I heard the front door open. "Hope you got food cause I'm effing hungry." I called out to my sister.

     "I don't have food, but I do have a business proposal." I screamed and whirled on my heel. There was a well-groomed blonde man with expensive black clothing on. I pulled the mace out of my pocket but he had his hand on my wrist in two seconds and made me drop it by squeezing. Almost hard enough to break my bone. "Now now, is that any way to treat a business partner?"

     "I know what you and your sister are." He continued. I struggled, but I was beginning to think the man was a vampire because I couldn't move an inch from his grasp. "And I don't care about what happened in Missouri. I want you to use your talents to work for me and my interests."

     He cocked his head as if waiting for an answer and I struggled to find one, my head spinning. After the break up with Kevin that had nearly destroyed me, we moved together as sisters looking for a new start. But part of it had certainly been to hide what we were. We had been in one place too long and people to tended notice. Our powers weren't subtle and there were people looking for us. Looking for Kayla after what she had done. I was tempted to spit on him but I really didn't want to die.

     "I can't make a deal for someone else." I finally said, hoping it was good enough toake him leave. We were going to have to move again. I almost cried at the thought.

     He nodded as if this was logical. "Of course not. We'll wait together." He let go of me and took a seat on our couch in the living room. "Eric Northman by the way. And before you ask, the previous owner invited me in. Now since I doubt you have any Trueblood in that fridge on the porch I suggest you clean up your wrist before I get truly hungry." I looked and sure enough, there were crescent shaped cuts where his nails had punctured my skin. I swore and went to get cleaned up. This was going to be a long night and we were all out of weed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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