☆Cнα⅊тɛʀ 42 ☆

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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

I wake up because of some noises. I get up and yawn. Outside was dark. I think I slept for long time. I scroll through my phone, sometimes and then went downstairs. I saw Lila cleaning the cabinets and Henley was cooking something. I think Elijah is home because he is the one who eats green grasses. I smile at them and went to my sister's room, to check on her. I didn't know where that noise came from. When I enter Nina's room, I saw no one was there. Where did she go? I check the bathroom too but she was not their either. I quickly ran towards Lila. She must know something.

"Hey did you see Nina anywhere?" I asked.

"Yes, she is out with Fredrik, nothing to worry about" said Lila. I was relieved. I thought she might be in trouble or maybe ran away. You never know how kids mind works. Nina don't share with me anything anymore like she used to do before. I don't even know how to make her happy. Maybe she will be okay if she started to go to school again. She will get her friends back. After mom died she stop talking and didn't wanted to go school, she said she will drop out. I was frustrated. But everything is fine now, she will start her school from tomorrow. I am happy that I was able to give her life back.

"Do you want me to help?" I asked to Lila. She was a nice women. I think I can trust her.

"No, you don't have to do anything. Why don't you take some rest?" She said with a smile. I wanted to help them, I don't want to stay here and do nothing. I don't want them to think that I am useless. Suddenly I heard a loud noise. It sounded like glass shattering. What is Elijah doing? Is he out of his mind? I look at Lila, she seemed calm and cool. Maybe she is immune to this stuffs. I need to talk to Elijah. I need to know about my work.
when will I join the office again? He never talk about that matter. I am just here because he promised me to give me my life back. I want to get back to my old life. If I get my job and get a good apartment then my life would be set, including Nina's. Why is he so mysterious all the time? Sometimes I get angry on him and sometimes it's just, I don't know. I don't know what I feel about him? Is it love, hatred or just lust or maybe it is pity? It's confusing. I am like a robot who doesn't understand it's own feelings. Then I remember that call from last night. Maybe some dude was pranking me? Maybe he was drunk? But it didn't sounded like that. I think I should tell Elijah, maybe he can help me. I quickly get up. I know I don't trust him but he is the only powerful person I know right now.

I walk closer to his room. When I was going to knock I heard another noise. What is he doing? Then I heard a female voice. It sounded like they were arguing about something. The women was screaming.

Unknown women: How dare you to talk to me like that? I am your mother. It was a wrong idea to put you as the incharge. You got so blinded that you are not capable of anything.

What are they talking about? So the women is Mrs. Cooper. Why are they arguing? Shouldn't she talk to her son nicely? I have never seen a mom talking like that to her son. My mom would never do that, she was my best friend.

Elijah: If I got so blinded then why didn't you talk to Elian about this? I am sure he wouldn't have mind. Maybe you could have done something or were you busy cheating on dad?

I cannot tell but it feels like Elijah's mom slapped him. It sounded like a open handed blow. Oh god. Why did she do that? I didn't expected that.

Mrs. Cooper: Yes I am cheating on your dad and so does he. Ask your dad, where was he last night? He was with Margaret. Remember one thing son, I don't want you to suffer the way I am suffering.

Elijah: Get out, you selfish bitch and do not call me your son ever again.

I think Mrs. Cooper was going to say something but she stop. I quickly move and hide inside a room near me. I heard the door open and Mrs. Cooper left murmuring something to herself. I didn't know, his house is completely broken. They look so happy in the pictures but it's all a lie. They are just completely shattered. I don't know what Elijah have to go through. His mom didnt sounded like a good women. I walk closer to his room. The door was open. He was sitting on his couch and drinking. I still knock, showing some respect. He didn't said anything so I barge in.

"Go away before I say something bad and you got hurt. You see, I am a monster and people basically hate me" he said. I didn't know if he was sad or he was just drunk. Looked like both.

"Well i can tell, you are not a monster because you didn't kill me after all" I said. His face was serious and filled with anger.

"How much do you know about me? Maybe I can kill you right now" he said.

"Then do it. I know you are good but you don't let people see that side of yours. I don't know why you do that, But people will not hate you if you love them, let me help you" I said. His sad look turn into a stern face. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. He will never change. He was looking miserable and angry at the same time. Maybe the beer was affecting him. It was kinda sad to look at him. I think I might have made him more angry. He suddenly stop drinking and his gaze was fixed on me. Then the question he asked, it made my heartbeat faster.

"Are you a virgin?"


Hey guys hope you
all are enjoying the book so far.

This chapter is going to be
continued on the next one. Have a nice day.

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