" My opinions are like farts. So hard to keep 'em in, and when one slips everyones gonna know it and at least one person is gonna leave the room."-some place from the web.
Now, as the sophistacted 14 year old i think I am opinions are pretty cool, but i have a few, uh, points or statements so to speak:
1. What would opinions look like if they could be seen or felt? Could we tell who is right or wrong? Would there be some indiactor as to who is saying the right thing? Would the look like magical little wisps of magic? That's what I imagine them to be. Which brings me to my second point...
2.Opinion: -noun : A belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty. So WHAT REALLY GRINDS MY GEARS is when people think their OPINION is right. That can't be, as you can see from the definition above.
3. WHY do people feel the need to shove their opinions down MY throat? Why the need to get so offended if I don't agree with you? Think about it this way, if everyone agreed with you, there would be no opinions to differ with you, correct?
4. Using " That's just my opinion" as an excuse to insult a person, religion or another opinion. For example: A youtube video. And someone comments: " Um, this video was really dumb and pointless and the person who made it should die. Also the editing skills are really bad and the topic is also not important. But that's just my opinion." NO. That's not how the sentence is used.
5. Opinions cause a lot of problems but they are also pretty important. We need to differentiate from insults and opinions, constructive criticism and opinions, being rude and stating your opinion. If you would like to share your opinion, please do so respectfully.However we are humans so we make mistakes sometimes, so you need to surround your self with people who will remind you respectfully if you slipped up.
Stay Weird ✌️