Lovely Stranger

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(B/N)= brothers name

"(Y/N)!!" Your older brother shouted. "Yeah i'm c- wait... " panicked you looked around. Where was your phone?! "Oh my god... Where is my phone?!". Great you were Already in a rush to get on the plane and now you need to look for your phone too! "You probably left it at Starbucks. Just go and get it but make it quick!" Your dad said. You sprinted to the Starbucks that was not that far away.

"Uuh.. Mm hi.. Have you maybe seen a pink iphone some where?" You said feeling really awkward. "Yes, it in the back. Just go trough that door." He pointed at a wooden door. You quickly walked to the door. As soon as you opend the door you where in a storage room. It looked pretty empty except for a couple of boxes. Luckily you see your pink Iphone on one of the boxes. You sigh in relief and quickly grab your phone keeping in mind that de plane could leave any moment.

You closed the door behind you and started to run like a mad man (woman :P) But of course you didn't look where you were going and bumped in to somebody.

"I'm so sorry!" you said while looking at who you bumped into.

He had dirty blonde bangs and he had beautiful light blue eyes. As you where scanning his build body, you noticed that he had a green hoody on. The color green did really suite him. he pulled a hand out to you because you where on the ground. 'When did i end up here' you thought but toke his hand anyway.

"No i'm sorry. I'm kinda in a rush to get my plane..." He said.
"N-no it's my fault i was actually in a rush to.. he he" you couldn't concentrate. It was almost like he put you under a spell by just looking at you.

"Plane H971 to Italy will be leaving shortly"

"Shit..." He and you cussed.
" is that your plane too?" You asked. "Yeah, now lest run before we miss our plan" he said, getting a bit panicked. He grabbed your arm and started sprinting. It was really hard to keep up with him because he was so fast. Well this is a bit weird. You just bumped into the most perfect stranger and now your almost missing your plane.

"Uuuh.. Whats your name?" You asked, while blushing like crazy. "Ooh ha almost forgot you didn't even know, sorry"
"uuh ha no i-it uuh he..." You chuckled really uncomfortable. Damn, this guy is making your brain in to pudding!

"it's Link"
Still lost in thought you didn't hear what he said. "Sorry i didn't get that..." Seriously, what's up with this dude!
"My name, it's Link. What yours?" "It's (Y/N)" you say with a small grin.
"that's a beautiful name"

Just in time you two boarded onto the plane.
"So where's your seat?" Link asked. You looked at your boarding pass.
It said: seat 27. "Uuh seat 27" you read from your card.
"Well uuh hope you have a nice flight..." He said while scratching the back of his head in an awkward manor. "Uh... he yeah... And to you too" you mentally slapped yourself. 'WHO THE HELL SAYS THAT!' You think.

"(Y/N)! Ya coming or what?" Your brother shouted.

You where blushing like crazy. Why does (B/N) always find a way to prevent you from talking to cute boys. Great now Link surly thinks your 9 or something.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Link asks. You jump a bit of the sudden sound of his voice. "Ha...n-" you look at Link. His face looked really disappointed.
'Maybe i need to play hard to get...and tell him that (B/N) is my boyfriend... But he wouldn't care if i had a boyfriend... Link is way to good for me'. The thoughts rushed trough your head and you lost it for a second.

"(Y/N), are you Ok?" You hear Link say.
"Yeah, yeah i'm fine and no he is not, he uh.. he is my brother". You said looking to the other side because your face started to heat up.
"Good" Link looked deep into your (E/C) eyes and leaned in.

'OMG is this really happening?' you thought.

You closed your eyes for the expected kiss on your lips, but opened them quickly when you felt a soft pair on your cheek. You mentally face palm yourself again. Now you probably look as red as a cherry.

"I better go to my seat" he said.
"Uh y-yeah" you said still paralyzed.
"Bye (Y/N)" Link said with a wink and walked away.

You too went to sit down... Next to your brother.

You hoped your brother didn't see that little kiss from a few moments ago.
But of course... he did.
"What was that with Blondie over there?" He said with an almost evil smirk.
"Surly it was nothing but why do you look like a tomato then?? Mmm??" "Damn it (B/N). Can you just let it go. Geez!" You lightly shouted. Your brother bursts out in laughter.
"Haha easy easy" he snorted.
"Shut the f*** up!" You were so done with him right now!
"Hey it's not my fault that you have a crush on Blondie over there , you lill sh*t" he said with amusement clearly in his eyes.

"Guys Guys whats wrong?" Your mom asked.
"(Y/N) is in loooovvveeee" your brother sang.
"Who's in love?" Your father chipped in.
"And who is the lucky guy?" Your mother asks.
" MOM!" You yelled.
"Yes who is this guy? I want to have a talk with him!"

You grabbed you earphones out of your bag to drain out the questions you where asked about Link.

'Uuugh this is going to be a long flight...'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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