Desperate Measures

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Dr. Alva, the former famous inventor/scientists, continued to pace back and fort for hours that almost made the floor dent with heels

She over used her Emotion destabilizer but to her dismay, it broke down, but it left a huge impact into her mental state of mind

Apparently, after her own company kicked her out because of the alliance between Carter Greene, who is a convicted criminal and now behind bars, made the company lose investors, after being kicked out, she lost everything, including her House and luxurus items so she has no choice but to go to the 5 girl's own renovated house/Club house in the park and claim it as hers

Back in the now

She stopped pacing and pinched the bridge of her nose, as if that she is struggling on how to make her epic comeback "Goodness sake, how am I suppose to regain everything I built for ? It took me years to be on top and now i hit rock bottom!" She sighed and sat on her chair and rubbed her temple's

"Hey Dr. A...uhm.... you've been stressed lately" a thin man creak opened the door while holding a somewhat odd comic book and asked the stresses woman

"Leave me" She says with a raspy voice "I have no orders for you to give, NOW LEAVE!!!!"

Ricky whimpered and left with a rapid pace because he was afraid to piss off his boss, Unfortunately, he left his comic book

Dr.Alva notice this and rolled her eyes with irritation "These grown men are pigs" she stood up and walked towards the thin paged comic as the clacking of her heels followed

She picked it up and caught a glance of it that made her chuckle out of sarcasm "Pure Gibberish nonsense" she says as she throws it in the trash can

Apparently, Ricky was reading a Cliche zombie genre comic that seems to be preposterous

She sat on her chair and rubbed her temple's again for a minute until she gave up and went to bed because it was like 11 pm at night

Months passed and every idea she creates fails, she stopped making robots and maybe tried making beauty products for a change but sadly, she tried it on Ricky and Joey and they turned into a bubbly purple face man, she even tried to do baking and cooking but it always burned, and lastly, she started to paint some portraits but to her dismay again,it was still a failure

Night time descends and she was working on a brand new Alva Perfume product but she got confused because the amount of test tubes in the desk made her cloudy in the head and mixed the wrong substances leading the beaker full of mixed liquids explode to gas particles in her face

She muttered angrily and went to her laptop but she stopped at the thought on why was she doing this and why was she on rock bottom in the first place?

"That's it.... I'm officially a failure, everything is damn ruined! And its all because of those Meddling Girls and their other imbecile friends!" She threw her laptop and slumped down with her eyes covered with her hands

She's a failure
She lost everything

She's Done for

"What a sad sight to see" a mysterious voice coming from the shadows

Dr. Alva bolted up and scanned her surroundings "Who....Who goes there????! Ricky? Joey? This is not funny!"

"Hello there doll, miss me?" The voice revealed itself and to Alva's horror, it was Carter Greene
"C..Carter!? did you-" she was quickly hushed by Carter Greene's point finger and chuckled lightly

"I know people, they busted me out from jail and I thought that I should pay a certain someone a visit" He says as he walks towards her desk, it was filled with blue prints and failed products, he chuckled again and sighed at the end "Oh? Are you really that desperate Dr. Alva? Perfumes? Baking? Art? Pish Posh darling, there are much better idea's rather than mere child's play, you see Dr. Alva, Scientist with incredible outbreaks gets all the attention, Isaac Newton, Steven Hawkins, Benjamin Franklin, they are dead but they're still remembered because of their genius mind sets and they bolted onto the top!" Carter has excitement in his eyes as he explained to Dr. Alva "what are you getting here Carter?" She asked in a confused tone

"I'm talking you should come up with something BIG! IT SHOULD BE THE BEEZE NEEZE!"

"Do you think I haven't tried that?! Forget it!" Alva was entirely pissed at Carter but he just smiled mischievously "Doll, I have your answers right here" Carter handed out a crippled comic book which seems familiar " this Ricky's comic book filled with nonsense? What do you want me to do with it?" She questioned Carter because of the confused aura was among her

"Its not nonsense Doll, imagine the title, 'WORLD GREATEST SCIENTIST, CREATES A CURE FOR AN UNKNOWN FATAL VIRUS, SAVES ALL HUMAN KINDS' Kind of sounds nice, don't you agree?" He says trying to brain wash the desperate scientist

"You mean you want ME to create a virus, that can POSSIBLY BE DEADLY TO ALL HUMAN KIND and FATAL for them and make a CURE so I can get back to the top and become the WORLD'S GREATEST SCIENTIST????!!"

Carter nodded at Alva's response and smirked mischievously

Alva has second thoughts but at the same time, she kind of like the idea of Carter, it was BRILLIANT

Her mind was already damage of the impact from her broken device, and she was desperate to go back to the top


"....would Love that idea..." she has that smirk of cruel-ness yet at the same time, the eyes of sympathy

This woman is not a scientist no more

No..She's more than a scientist, She was a Mad man

She's a Psychopath


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