Chapter 4

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Just like everyone in this school knows Li Chengxiu, Li Chengxiu knows Shao Qun like everyone in this school.

Although the two are different.

The group of people with Shao Qun's family background is amazing. As for how amazing, Li Chengxiu can't imagine it. At the same time, these young masters are also very arrogant and arrogant. This is the gathering of things.

Because of the long-term ridicule and indifference, Li Chengxiu rarely looked up at the people and things around him. At school, he could remember very few faces.

But Shao Qun is obviously different.

He is so dazzling.

He is noble and arrogant and beautiful, and he always radiates an aura that cannot be ignored.

Li Chengxiu is not interested in anything other than learning and making money, but since the school day he looked at the young master who came down from the elongated black car, he was wearing a formal suit school uniform, and his facial features were impeccable. His face is as pale as milk, and he will be younger than him next year, but he has a domineering spirit. Somehow, he will never forget it.

At that time, the pure teenager had just realized that he was different from boys of the same age. Although it was originally very different, but with a little secret thought, it was very, very different.

Although no one would take the initiative to talk to him, when he was sitting quietly in the classroom, the boys in the class would have to discuss which girl is beautiful and which girl has a big chest. He listened clearly. . But strangely, he is not interested. He prefers to see boys shoving and shoving on the basketball court, sweat and green chūn swaying in the sun, messy hair and rich facial expressions than those beautiful girls. His agile movements and cool body language are all things he thinks are worth watching. He doesn't dare to look at them more. He glances at them. As he grows older, there will be a difference.

But at that time it was simple and silly. He still didn't know what was different.

This, Shao Qun gave him the answer.

In the noonday sun, the venomous image is to steam people, even if you stand still, you will be able to sweat in a short while.

At noon, the school is extraordinarily quiet and empty. Many students are picked up by the car from home at noon. Those who do not return home also rent a house near the school for lunch break. Only he is too far home to rent a house. Too expensive Yes, I had to stay at school at noon.

Originally the school did not allow it, but everyone knew about his situation. Because his grades are always at the top of the list, he is the school's top student, so the school opened his eyes and closed his eyes, but he couldn't stay in the classroom, otherwise he wouldn't be able to tell what he lost.

He usually runs to the top of his teaching building. It is not easy to be found there by the school police. Although the school police have reached a consensus on his affairs, if they see it, they still have to symbolically rush. The rooftop on the top of the building is safe, the light is good, and you can rest. It is also convenient for him to read and study.

In his barren life, he thought that having a space that belonged to him alone was enough for him to secretly be happy.

That day, as usual, he took a nap under the shadow of yīn sitting in a huge water tank.

The rare tranquility of the campus, sitting in the cool place and the breeze breeze past, this time closing his eyes to rest, this is the most pleasant moment of Li Chengxiu's day, he can temporarily forget a lot of things worth worrying about, and concentrate Enjoy the quiet and comfortable time that belongs to him.

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