Day Dream

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I was walking down the covered walkway at the local High School on my way home from my Jr. High School, when I noticed four beautiful girls in very tight miniskirts taking turns trying to climb up high enough on the railing to grab a strap hanging just off, of the roof of the walkway and failing miserably.

With a slight chuckle in my voice, "Need some help ladies?"

I received four beautiful smiles and a, "Yes please?" form one of them.

Because I am a natural born smart ass, I said as I moved closer, "what are you trying to do?" (I already knew what they trying to do)

They all started talking at once, so I held up my hands and said, "One at a time, please?"

They stopped and the one that said that they needed help said to me, "Some jerk put my purse up there and our skirts won't let us climb up high enough to get it."

Slightly laughing at this I said, "Why in the world would anyone do such a mean thing like that to someone as pretty as you are?"

Blushing, she says, "He thought we were trying to trick him into getting in trouble for going into the girl's locker room. You see our locker is jammed and all of our homework is in there and he was the first person we could find to ask for help."

"I see well there are two ways that you can get your purse down. One of you could take your skirt off and climb up and get it down."

They all give me shocked and amazed looks, then they look at each other. "We never thought of that. What's the other way?"

Smiling, "Like this." I climbed up, got the purse down and handed it to her, still smiling.

"Oh, thank you very much!" She kisses me lightly on the cheek.

"No prob." I start to walk away when one of the other girls says, "Hay, wait a minute."

I stop and ask, "Yes?"

She blushes a little bit and says, "Will you please un-jam our locker so that we can go home."

I get all thoughtful for a minute, "Ok, but you will have to make sure that it's all clear and that I don't get caught!"

"Oh, no problem, we will do a walk through and then we will stand watch to make sure no one comes by."

"By the way, I'm Stay-See; this is Jill, Candy and Trixie."

Offering my hand to each of them, I say, "Nice to meet all of you. My name is Jamie."

We went over to the girl's locker room and they all went in to make sure that it was all clear. After a few minutes, two of them came back out. The one that had asked me to try to unjam the locker says, "It is all clear and they are keeping watch inside. I'll stay out here and watch and Jill will show you which locker it is."

"Deal, let's go Jill."

I fallow Jill in and she shows me the locker and tries to open it to show me that it is jammed, "See it won't open!"

"Yeah, I see that, so let me try."

She moved out of my way and I try to open it same way she did and fail. I notice that the door has a slight bulge in it, so I step back and kick it.

Surprised she says, "What did you do that for?"

"It was packed too tightly and that's why it's jammed, so I kicked it in hopes of moving stuff and un-jamming it."

"Oh, did it work?"

"Let's find out."

I try to open it again and it moves just a little, so I take out my knife and start tapping the handle up. Painfully slowly the handle slides up and the locker pops open. She hugs me and says, "Oh thank you so much!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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