Billy Loomis x reader (Platonic)

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I let out a giggle as Billy hung upside down off of the monkey bars at the local playground in Woodsboro.

"I'M COUNT DRACULA BITC-" He yelled before he fell off and landed on his back. He groaned before sitting up and looking at me with a goofy grin

"That hurt as bad as that time that dumb reporter shot me." He rubbed his back.

I rolled my eyes.

"Sure it did." I said as he grinned and trotted over to me. He leaned down and put his arm around my shoulders and pointed to a tall building a few blocks away.

"Wanna go?" He asked as he dug around his pockets, searching for something.

"Sure, let me grab my skateboard." I replied as I jogged over to grab my board.

"FOUND IT!" I heard Billy shout and I turned around to see him holding his wallet in the air with a look of achievement spread across his face.

"You're a bit excited for your wallet aren't you?" You laughed at his antics.

"Now (y/n), you gotta realize something. This is our ticket to...." He paused dramatically.


"YES!" I shouted back in excitement. "Let's go!" I jumped onto my skateboard and zoomed past him.

"Wait up!" He shouted as he scrambled to get his skateboard. He finally reached it and caught up to me.

"You suck." He teased playfully.

"Sorry Billy." I giggled.

We turned into the McDonald's parking lot and picked up our skateboards. Billy ran inside and ordered our food.

A few minutes later he came back out with drinks and two things of chicken nuggets.

"You're truly a blessing." I said and laughed as I took the food.

He ruffled my hair. "No eating yet, we're almost there."

"Aww." I got back on my board and we made our way towards the building. After a few minutes of riding and dodging people who were walking the busy streets, we finally arrived to our destination. We made our way through the building and all of the floors until we eventually reached the roof. We both stepped out onto the roof.

"Holy crap." I said as I looked out onto the city, dimly lit by the now setting sun.

"It's beautiful." Billy said as he came and sat down.

I heard chewing and turned around. "If you eat my chicken nuggets I'm gonna kill you."

"Sure you are. You realize who you're talking to right?" He chuckled.

"Okay you may have a point there Loomis." I smiled and sat down beside him. I laid my head on his shoulder and nestled into him.

"Aww-" I grabbed his chicken nugget and shot it into my mouth and sat back up.

"You're not getting it back now." I giggled.

"Hey! That's no fair!"

"Life's not fair Mr. Ghostface." I giggled as he shot his hand over and grabbed one of my chicken nuggets.


"Life's not fair (y/n)." He said with his mouth full.

"Billy! Look at that!" I pointed at the sun making it's daily descent towards the horizon.

"Wow." He said as he stared into it.

*few minutes later*

"Ow." He looked away and rubbed his eyes.

"Well don't stare at it you dork." I laughed.

I laid my head on his shoulder.

"You're the best friend I could ever ask for Billy." I said and he laid his hand on my head and ruffled my hair.

"Right back at you." He smiled and we stared off into the sunset together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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