Chapter 1: Don't You Dare!

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A/N: This story starts from season 4 of Vampire Diaries(Ep 4x12) when Elena and Jeremy had cornered Kol and are ready to kill him.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these character. Just the idea and the story is mine based on vampire Diaries and PJ Series.


Elena screamed " Quick Jeremy!"

Klaus was feeling helpless and banged against the barrier" LET ME IN!! I WILL KILL EVERYONE IF YOU KILL KOL"

Just as Jeremy was about to stab Kol with the white oak stake, there was a powerful wave of water that materialized out of nowhere and pushed Jeremy back against the opposite wall. There was a gust of wind and Caroline was standing in between Kol and Jeremy.

There was a moment of stunned silence which was broken by Kol's gasp.

Elena recovered and glared at Caroline and said "How could you Caroline? We need to kill Kol! He is a monster and we need to put him down to get the cure! But you ruined it as usual!"

Caroline gave Elena a murderous glare and said " How could I? How could you?? Are you even listening to what you are saying dopplebitch?? You are nothing but a self obsessed monster who can't think about anything other than yourself! And What did Kol do? He was trying to do the right thing for once and you want to kill him for it? Have you thought ahead of this plan Elena? Do you really think that the rest of the Originals won't kill you for this?"

Caroline didn't notice but she was giving off an incredible and a powerful aura which was visible to only Kol and Klaus.

Klaus was feeling a mixture of emotions. He was relieved that his brother was safe and happy to know that Caroline was not a part of the plot to kill Kol. He was shocked that Caroline had not only saved Kol but was now giving a proper dressing down to the doppelgänger. If he was being honest, Caroline looked magnificent when she was angry like this. He was also in awe of the aura which she was displaying, he could not for the life of him remember where he had seen an aura like hers before.

Kol had no such problem though. He was enjoying the show that was happening in front of him and happy to know that his older brother hadn't engineered the plot to kill him like he thought he had.

During this time, Bonnie and Matt entered the fray.

Looking at Bonnie, Elena cried for help against Caroline.

Bonnie shook her head and said "No Elena I'm not going to help you kill Kol or with the whole cure fiasco! Infact I completely support Caroline on this matter. I'm sick of you and your pathetic drama!"

Caroline then looked at Matt and Bonnie and asked " How are you two doing?"

Matt and Bonnie exchanged looks and then Matt replied "We are doing good considering everything but why did we get our memories back so late Care? What happened?"

Caroline sighed "Long story short, the Fates thought that it was fun to bind all my powers and abilities , take away all my memories, de-age me to 17 and then drop me off here. Without my powers or memories, I could not return both of your memories and also the Mist affected all of us."

Bonnie nodded and probed "So that means you're back..?"

Caroline grinned back and nodded.

Not being able to keep quite anymore, Elena burst out "What the hell are you all taking about? What is going on? And Caroline is nothing but a dumb blonde! "

Klaus looked at Elena and snarled " Watch your mouth doppelganger! Don't talk about Caroline like that and you are testing my patience."

Klaus then looked at Caroline silently asking with his eyes what was going on?

Caroline nodded at Klaus and took charge. She looked at Kol and ordered him to compel Elena and Jeremy to forget about the cure and to stop all this nonsense. She turned to Bonnie and Matt and said "I'm going to tell the Originals everything and its gonna take a long time so I'll arrange for a way for you two to reach the camp, Please leave?"

Matt nodded and Bonnie said "I was wondering when you will bring this up."

Caroline looked at Klaus and said " Can you please gather all your siblings in your mansion? I would prefer to explain this once and not repeat it."

Klaus nodded and said " Very well , We will all be there in our house , come to my place in an hour and thank you love for saving Kol's life" with that, both the brothers left in a blur.

a/n : How was it? Please comment what you think about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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