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"Jaem?! Jisung's here!" The pinkette's mother called up from the front door. The said boy grimaced, rolling over on his bed before falling off with a loud 'thud'.

"Tell him to go away!"

The older woman rolled her eyes as she opened the door, smiling brightly at the sight of the tall blonde waiting. "Welcome, Jisung. I'm so glad you agreed to help me out."

The younger beamed, his cute little cheeks looking oh so squishable as he gripped a few books closer to his chest. "Hello, Mrs. Na. It's been a while."

"Indeed. I believe the last time I saw you was when you were nine? I had to babysit you while your parents went to a concert, right?"


"Mum?! Is he gone yet?!" The familiar voice of her son yelled from his room. The woman gritted her teeth, never embarrassed by the boy, though quite weary from his childish antics.

"No Jaemin! He's staying, and that's final!" Her gaze returned to Jisung who appeared totally unfazed by the older teen's refusals. "I'm sorry about him. He'll be a pain in your ass for about a week, I'm sure, but he'll come around."

"That's fine. I'm very stubborn and strong-willed, so it'll take a lot more than yelling and insults to turn me away."

The tall teenager brushed past Jaemin's mother with a reassuring smile before ascending the staircase with a new expression gracing his face. He was swift when finding the pinkette's room, knocking twice to call in; "Jaemin? Are you going to let me in?"

"No! Please just turn around and decline my mother's offer!"

As Jisung reached down for the door knob, he couldn't help but chuckle darkly and rip the door open. The whole thing slammed back against the wall as he shuffled inside, dropping his textbooks down on Jaemin's desk and leaning against it condescendingly.

"I see we're going to have a problem or two," the tall boy spoke confidently, watching as the older stood up from the floor and appeared dead-tired.

"Problem? Really? Well, I'm glad you've noticed," Jaemin tilted his head in a pointless attempt to seem more intimidating. His age was always the one thing he used over Jisung when they were little. "I don't need your help, so kindly leave."

The blonde straightened up, shifting his weight from one leg to the other and shaking his head.

Damn, the pinkette thought with a small and subtle gulp, when did Weird Jisung disappear and come back as this guy? His shadow is brighter than my future....

"Listen here, Nana," Jisung murmured, barely above a whisper as he slowly ate up the distance between them. "I'm willing to treat you as the 'older brother' you always liked to be. After all, I'm a year younger and completely open to an equal relationship. But if you're going to be a brat, and try to shoo me away.....well," he chuckled dryly, "I suppose I'll have to comb a few knots."

"You think because you're all tall and handsome now that you can boss me around?!" The older hissed, "Maybe I need to knock you off your high horse, huh?!"

"Try me," Jisung sighed, placing his hands on his hips and almost seeming to grow another foot as he cocked his head to the side and stared down at him. "I'm not the little boy you used to drag around like a rag doll in elementary school, okay? Now let's grow up and do what we're here to do."

Jaemin felt his nails dig into his palms painfully from rage, blood pressure rising exponentially as he held back the urge to slap the other. But in the back of his mind, he knew that there was going to be no winning against this person. Jisung was now smarter, taller, and most likely stronger than he was. "Fine...."

"Great!" The blonde grinned happily, his whole persona doing a complete one-eighty as he turned on his heels to prepare for their lesson.

Jaemin watched his back as he hummed and shuffled about, feeling intimidated by the fact that he had absolutely no control over anything anymore. His life was spilling out in front of him like water, and all he could do was paddle to stay afloat.

The vibrations of a ringing phone buzzed throughout the room, causing Jisung to look over his shoulder towards the older. "Yours?"


"Answer it. Tell them that you're busy."

"Hey, I don't take orders from-"

"Want me to rephrase that?"

Ugh, I'll strangle him, then stab him, and throw his body into a lake full of alligators! "Calm yourself. Don't go getting your knickers in a twist," Jaemin waved him off dismissively, taking his phone from his pocket and sliding across the green symbol without checking to see who it was. "Hello?"

"Hey Jaem, it's me. Renjun."

"Oh, what's up, Junnie?"

I was just wondering whether you'd like to come over or not? I'm so bored right now...."

As he was about to mindlessly say 'yes', he caught the look Jisung was giving him from across the room, and swallowed harshly. I want to see Renjun though..... "A-Actually, I can't make it...."

"What? Why?"

"I'm busy with....stuff." Dammit, I'm not about to admit to people that I'm getting tutored.

"What kind of 'stuff', Jaem? Do I need to come over and-"

"Ah, no! No, honestly you're fine!" The younger begged, scowling at the youngest boy opposite him who was motioning for him to hurry things up. "I'll speak to you tomorrow."


The pinkette reluctantly hung up, swallowing down the feeling of his throat constricting. His chest hurt all of a sudden, and he had never rejected nor denied Renjun before. Hell, he rarely ever lied to him unless it was about his hidden feelings.

"Happy now?" He spat to Jisung. "Now the love of my life thinks I hate him!"

The blonde rolled his eyes and massaged his temples. "I can't seem to remember where I put the amount of fucks I give....gosh, what did I do with them?"

"Ha ha, you're so bloody hilarious. Just teach me algebra already!"

"I thought you'd never ask."

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𝗮 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂; norenmin Where stories live. Discover now