"meet my son", "yes ma'am"

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Y/n: your name
N/n: nickname
F/t: favorite type
F/f: favorite food

Your POV

I closed my eyes as I sent out my pokemon. I was too old to be in the gym challenge, but gym leader Melony let me train under her wing. I'm a flying type trainer, though I kinda wanted to be a F/t trainer. but I love my pokemon. "go Frosmoth!" my beautiful mentor called ot as she sent her pokemon. christ, that woman is gorgeous. 'wait...how the hell am I gonna win this!? I'm at a huge disadvantage!" I yelled and Melony giggled. "this is all about how to be a better trainer, and a part of that is learning how to get over type disadvantages. "o-okay..." I nodded, taken aback a little but getting over it pretty quick. "Altaria! use...dah...dragon pulse!" I said, trying to think of a move on the spot but failing.  "good move but I wouldn't recommend using it right away" Melony said before using Ice beam and freezing Altaria on low HP. "WHAT THE HELL!?" I said, falling back on my ass. Melony laughed softly and nodded, "I told you before I accepted you, my battle style is harsh. "woman, you are ice cold, no pun intended..." I replied, giggling a little. I used a freeze heal but Altaria got the ice beam again before fainting.

"we have some work to do but we'll get there" Melony sighed and I nodded. "you should come with me and meet my son"
"yes ma'am"

a little while later I walked up to Melony's door with the woman beside me. "the rest of my kids are with their stepdad, Kabu for his training, only my son Gordie will be here because fame can't buy him a house...but I don't mind! he's the apple of my eye!" Melony laughed before opening the door. "oh GooooOOOORDIE!" she yelled and I covered my ears....Jebus...."hey Mum....and.....", "name's Y/n"

Gordie looked me up and down with a judgmental look. "tch, she looks weak..." he hissed and I growled, "listen here, dickhead!" I yelled and he pushed me against the wall, putting his hand on the wall beside me. "no you listen here, skank, first off, don't call me a dick"
"GORDIE THAT IS ENOUGH' Melony yelled and Gordie walked off.

"oh whatever, Miss Melony, I'll see you tomorrow, I'm going...I can't say home...but Imma find a place to sleep" I growled before storming off.

Gordie's Pov

"Gordie! what has gotten into you!? you know I'm usually very okay with what you do, but this went overboard!" Mum screamed at me and I sighed. "listen, Mum, I just didn't know how to be...social...." I mumbled. "well congratulations, you blew any chance of a friendship!"

"I'll make sure that isn't true....tomorrow...I had a full day of signing autographs..." I said and went to my room.

Y/n...huh? she's not half bad. I'll see how far I can get. 

don't be an ass! (pokemon Gordie x reader)Where stories live. Discover now