Road to Nowhere (Preview)

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"Well, this is it..." I muttered to myself, tightening the scarf around my thin neck. It's frail fabric wasn't enough to keep me warm, but I wasn't overly worried anymore as I felt the warmth of my closest friend, Fallon, wrap his arms around me and hold me close to him as we stood on the edge of a cliff. Below the water sloshed and splahed violently against the sharp stones around it, and it almost seemed a bit poetic to me.

"Come on, it's not so bad here." Fallon chuckled as he slowly let go of me. His amber eyes flickered a bit as I turned to look into his own with my pale, but vivid blue eyes.

"As if," I smirked, "I've been here before, this place could seriously use some" I laughed, watching a small smile creep it's way onto Fallon's pale face. His amber eyes were so...mesmerizing. They still always caught me off gaurd, even though I had seen them many times over. As if getting used to anything was possible anymore. To be honest, I haven't the slightest clue what "normal" is anymore. seriously. I mean, my best friend was a freaking vampire for god's sakes.

Fallon chuckled at what I said and stretched a bit, his muscles visible under his thin, dark green shirt as he arched his back in, cracking it slowly. I made a mock disgusted face and snickered, "Gross." It didn't really bother me, unlike how it used to when I was younger, god how that used to annoy the shit out of me every time Fallon would do that around me...Now I'm so used to it, but I still like to tease him about it.

"Whaaatttever." He said, tugging at my long black hair. I swatted his hand away and sat down a few yards away from the edge of the cliff, watching the sky slowly fade to different hues of the spectrum as time slipped away from me like sand in an hourglass. I didn't seem to notice how late it was until I saw the night sky spattered with stars. Glancing over, I saw Fallon had fallen asleep. "Typical." I chuckled, uttering my thoughts aloud. I slowly stood up and stepped over him, then turned on my heel, lightly tapping him with the tip of my black and white trainers, which, in case you are anything like Fallon, which includes being oblivious when I tell you things, trainers are shoes. Remember that. Don't be a Fallon.

Fallon groaned and shifted the position he was laying in. I rolled my eyes and kicked him a bit harder in the back. He swatted at my foot and, irritably, I smashed my foot against the back of his knee. He yelped and rolled over onto his back, looking up at me with surprised and mock innocence look about his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2012 ⏰

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