It landed on maya, Travis and maya joined each other in the center of the pool and kissed. Doing this made Travis extra gay. It was now mayas turn she spins the bottle and it land on jack , they kissed it was a lot it lasted for a while , then jack spins the bottle and it landed on Vic , Vic gets up in disgust she wish to kiss someone else tonight. Vic then spun the bottle it landed on... Robert. Robert slightly touched Andy's arm as he got up to Vic it was quick kiss they both didn't wanted that to happen. He sat back next to Andy it was dark outside so he held her hand and squeeze it gently. Andy wasn't mad at that he knew Vic didn't like him and neither did Robert. Robert spins the bottle and it lands on Andy , they both looked at each other for a while not really knowing how to do it they had kissed before but it was weird I front of everyone "kiss him already!" Maya yelled , he took her face in his hands and he kissed her it lasted about 3 seconds but it was their best three seconds . It was now Andy's turn to spin the bottle so she got up from her seat and spun the bottle. When the bottle stopped spinning it pointed directly at Jack. Andy sighed because that's obviously not who she wanted to get, "You know what, this game is so stupid. We aren't high schoolers anymore don't you think this is a little immature" Andy said. "Oh come on Andy, we're just having fun don't ruin it" Jack said puckering his lips. Andy rolled her eyes and glanced back at Robert who was clearly fuming. 'I'm sorry' she mouthed to him before walking closer to Jack. Jack grabbed her waist and brought her closer to him and then kissed her. Andy knew Jack has always had feelings for her but she never felt the same. When they pulled away Jack looked in her eyes astonished from the kiss they just shared, Andy just looked disgusted and guilty. She wasn't even Robert's girlfriend but she felt like she was cheating on him. Andy shook her head and went back to her seat. Jack spun the bottle and it landed on dean , they both kissed and all the team said "oooo" all at once. Dean got up he spins it and it lands on maya , maya kissed him it was quick maya spins it after dean went back to his seat it lands on Andy " oh that's gonna be weird" jack said "it's nothing I haven't done before" maya said , the team all looked at them shock "what guy we are bestfriend when a really ugly guy or weird guy tries to get your best friend number at the bar U go and kiss her come on guys U never done this before?" "No it's creepy" "well the number of guys that wanted andy I had to step in I am basically her lesbian lover" "that's right tho she helped me many times" "and plus guys you know andy she's not the kinda girl that is gonna give away her number to millions of guy or leave with someone at the bar after a night" travis fake coughs " sorry" he said " no no that means something" Vic said "what no !" Travis add "what are U guys talking about?" Dean ask "he just fake cough of the fact that Andy would leave with someone after a night at the bar so that means there was someone and I need to know who" Vic said "there's no one Vic , like I said Andy isn't this type of girl" " we'll she could be one day" travis said Robert was still holding Andy's hand under the water , they were lucky no one could see them she just needed support cause what happen between them could get out right now "guy I just had something In my throat sorry andy never left with someone after a night at the bar" Travis said "that's what I said" maya add "I'll get his name one day trust me" Vic said looking straight at Andy . Andy gets up and spins the bottle and it landed on Ripley, Vic became jealous in seconds Andy went and kissed him it was really weird they both felt it. Ripley spins it after the kiss and it landed on Vic that's the only person he wanted to kiss tonight she was his subordinate but god he wanted her he got close to her and she took his face in her hands she kissed him they both felt the chemistry the butterflies were definitely there , after they separated from the kiss they both look at each other with hearts in their eyes he got back to his seat and Vic turned it , it landed on Travis and that was the end of the game . "It's late guys we should go" maya said "we work tomorrow" "yeah your right" Ben said . Ben is married so that's why he didn't play and the team was all okay with that. They were suppose to sleep there but they were to tired to remember Andy had told them they could stay
Everyone had left the party but Robert was still cleaning up some of the mess. Andy went inside to the kitchen and poured herself a drink. She drank it as she leaned on the counter, staring into space thinking about her kiss with Jack and how it might've made Robert feel. She didn't even notice when Robert came into the kitchen. "Hey" Robert said pouring himself a drink as well. "Hey, I'm sorry about that earlier" Andy started "I know you didn't want to see that." "It's fine, only fate could decide" He said taking a drink from his glass. "What does that even mean Robert, you know he's not the one I want right?" Andy said wrapping her arm around his waist causing him to look at her. "Yeah, I know" he said and kissed her. She let her hand wander on his bare chest as they kissed passionately. He picked her up and carried her up to her room, never breaking the kiss. He sat her down on the bed and they continued to kiss while he ran his fingers through her hair. He pulled the straps down of her bikini top and kissed her neck. She put her hands around his waist and they kissed for a while longer until she finally pulled away to catch a breath. "Do you believe me now that you're the one I want?" Andy said. "Yes" he whispered in her ear. They continued for a couple more hours then she just laid with her head on his chest looking up at the ceiling. "I'm sorry that I was acting jealous earlier" Robert said. "It's okay, but you should know that you're the one I would choose over anyone" Andy replied. I want to be with you and I'm tired of us not being together when we both know how we feel. When there is an opportunity, you take it and I really want to take this one. « I want to take that opportunity too Andy , let's just be together and we'll go with that » « okay , so we're dating » « we are dating ». He kissed her one last time and got up « what are U doing ? » « I should go home Why? » « stay here with me please » « of course I'll stay » « I need to go shower you can come with me if U want to » Andy said going in the bathroom « I'll wait for you » he said « if U want to , but your gonna miss all this hotness » andy Said she started the shower and went in the door open she really didn't care it's not like he hasn't seen her naked before. He got in the bathroom he was leaning on the door « your hot U know that? » he said « god You scared me, and thank U » « your welcome so I thought about it and I think it's a good idea if I join U » « you think? » she said rinsing the shampoo in her hair , he joined her « I know it's a good idea. » they kissed « I never realize how tall U are until your so close to me » « I'm not tall , your just little » she punched his arm « ouch » « I'm sorry did I hurt U? » « U did » « well U hurt my feeling so I guess it's okay » she said smiling. He helped her get the shampoo out of her hair. Andy was still wrapped in her towel as she was looking over her closet to take some night clothes . Robert got behind her with the towel wrapped around his waist he grabbed her into a hug. She took her clothes and dressed Robert put on his underwear and joined her in bed « so how is it going to be at work? » she asked « we just keep it like it was before I'm still your subordinate » « yeah I guess at work your my subordinate not here » « yeah, now let's go to bed we are working tomorrow » « yeah I have a meeting with ripley.. » « why do U sound weird » « Robert I kissed your bestfriend youre telling me U don't care I feel so weird » « I don't really care cause I know U like me , and ripley he loves someone so .. » « okay, so U sure it didn't bother U » « I'm sure Andy » « okay » she kissed him and they both went to sleep spooning. Robert woke up with Andy in his arm he smiled and kissed her neck, she woke up « morning » « morning beautiful » he said back she turned around to kiss him « I like waking up next to U » « me too always did » « me too , let's go we need to get ready » « I'm coming in 30 minutes after U remember? » « yeah I forgot sorry » « it's okay, I'll still leave at the same time as U I need to get clothes at home » « right then let's go » Andy got ready while Sullivan put his old clothes on him they were about to leave he kissed her one last time and they made their way home for Sullivan and the station for Andy. And got there and had her meeting with Ripley after 30 minutes they took their little break it was 8:35 and shift already started 5 minutes ago she opened the door from her office and she saw Sullivan running late " lieutenant your late" " I.. yeah" " you're on desk duty today" "seriously?" "Ya U ran in late". He got to the locker room and made is way back to the reception "oh huh chief do you want something to drink while I go upstairs?" "Water thank U Herrera" she ran up the stairs and bumped into Sullivan "why aren't U eating with the team?" " we'll someone put me on desk duty so I'll ate later, why aren't U at your meeting?" "It's our break , and I'm sorry i put U on desk duty it's just what I always do with people I cannot not do it because I'm sleeping with U" "right then I'll leave U to your meeting" he blew her a kiss and he left. She went in the beanery and asked bishop to joined her after her meeting in her office. She got back to her meeting the blinds were open so Sullivan could see her. She shook ripley's hand and he left "have a good day sully" "U too luke". Sullivan smiled at Andy and he went back to do her thing and so did she. A few minutes later someone knocked at her door she looked up to see Sullivan standing there , she made a sign for him to come in , "lieutenant what can I do for U?" "U have visitors" he said showing Ryan "hey ry .. why are U doing here?" "I wanted to talk about what happened" "lieutenant U can go close the door please" he looked at her weird and he did what she said she let the blinds open "so U wanted to talk ?" "Yeah actually look I'm sorry for the way I reacted when U told me everything I'm actually glad you told me, but what I came here to say it's that I'm gonna be leaving Seattle » « leaving why? » « I am going to get Emt certified » « thats nice » « yeah so I was just coming to say goodbye I'm leaving tomorrow » « okay , then hum.. » she got up and him to , she hugged him and let go « be safe » « U too Andy ». Ryan left , Andy got out of her office to see if maya was in the barn or something, and she saw him on the catwalk talking with jack. « Maya can U come down for a sec ? » « sure » she made her way down and got in her office. « look andy i kinda don't want to talk right now I'm not in the mood » « what do U mean your not in the mood? I really need U » « look Andy you've changed your different I don't know what it is but your different look if it's that Ryan thing U afraid of losing him because you sleep with Sullivan get that out of your mind Ryan he's always gonna be your bestfriend » « that's not... wow okay.. » « look I don't know what wrong but if it's the ring thing your mad a me for not telling you he was gonna propose » « maya.. » « look im the one that should be mad right now , U didn't told me your we're dating him I had to learn by him » « look maya I'm so sorry after Jack I was not ready to have another show off relationship I'm so sorry » « it's not enough Andy I'm sick of U not telling me thing! » « maya come on I basically tell U everything! » « no U don't look you told me U slept with Sullivan but U don't tell me the rest I know there's a follow t'up to this story it didn't end with U two having sex Andy I know your attracted by him don't U think I saw it in your kiss yesterday and the way U acted when U had to kiss jack » « maya , it's just look » « look what about U tell me what happened I know U slept with Sullivan so why don't U tell me the truth » « maya U know the truth » « no! The only thing I know is that U slept with sullivan so why don't you tell me what happened and then we'll be fine! » she yelled they never heard someone had opened the door « maya, I fell in love with him that's what happened!! » she yelled louder, someone cleared his throat they both looked at the person « dad... god how long were U standing here? » « long enough to have heard everything » he made his way out « dad! » he just left Never turning back , Andy fell into her chair Sullivan looking at her and maya still in shocked about what happened. A call came in for aid car it was Andy and maya. « Come one that's us » Andy said getting up from her chair but maya body blocked her « oh no your not coming your staying here and your breathing through this situation I'll be back after we can talk about it maybe in your bunk so nobody walks in while we talk , breathe this situation out » « okay thank U maya » maya went with Travis while Andy got back into her office chair and tried to call her father the door was closed but the blind were open Sullivan saw her struggling she tried to call him 6 times but she always got send to voicemails she was starting to fall apart she fucked up hard her father is gonna be mad for a while. She couldn't keep it inside her anymore she launched her phone at the front door of her office so hard that it shattered the glass a bit, that was Sullivan alert for him to go see her she got up and picked up her phone but she let herself fall on the ground crying her eyes out . He got into the office closed the blinds lucky the glass was still on the door a little bit was on the ground , he touched her arm « hey Andy , look at me » she looked at him he made a sad smile and he showed is hand for her to follow him and take is hand « come on take my hand » « i'm not sure I can get up right now » « okay then I'll pick you up hold on to me okay » « okay ». He picked her up bridal style went in her bunk and slowly put her on the bed he closed the door he layed down next to her and she snuggled into him her head laying on his chest , he was playing with her hair, and telling her sweet things which made her calm down « Andy it's gonna be okay your dad is gonna come around » "Robert you don't understand my dad he's gonna he pissed but not just at me at U too because he's gonna think U force me to be with U or fall in love with U" "why?" "Your older, your a guy , it's my dad I know him trust me he's gonna he hard on U he's never gonna take that" "it's still gonna be fine I can handle your dad Andy I'm not scared of him I'm more scared of U than him " Andy laughed at that "thank U for being here with me that means a lot actually " "U don't have to thank me I'll always be there for U Andy , and for what it's worth I fell in love with U too" she looked at him and they kissed it was a small kiss but it meant a lot . He just hold her still saying sweet things To her , they heard the bunk door open , Sullivan looked who it was " hey Andy , mayas here are U gonna be fine?" "I will thank U" he kissed her head but she took his face into her hand and kissed his lips he got up "bishop take care of her will U ?" "I'm not sure I can do more than U but I will". He left and maya hold Andy , Andy told maya everything every single details of what happened between her and Sullivan . After an hour of talking maya left and went to do thig while Andy got to the reception fillings some paper Robert needed her to fill " hey sully" Ripley said coming in the station "hey ! What are U doing here?" " I was wondering if U we're gonna send me your application for the battalion chief position" Andy eyes went wide "well I .. I mean I don't know Luke's it been a while" "it's been a while your kidding me Robert you left your captains position a month ago , it's still in U I know it you like being the lead U like giving orders , and you could move up to battalion chief in no time" " Luke" "I know I know , U never wanted to be the guy to push pencils and get people in line but U would do an amazing job Robert you're the most badass person I know, you were captain for thread tears man , just think about it" "fine I will think about" "think fast cause I'm expecting U application by tonight in my mail box" "fine I will send it to U , I'd love to have this job U know me" "great bye now!" He said and left " so captain three years" "I'm sorry I didn't told U before Andy it's just.." "it's fine I get it something must have happened for U to ask to be reprimanded like that and I understand it's okay I'm not mad" "your not?" " no I'm not why would I be, just if U ever want to talk about why tell me I'll be there for U" "thank U , I'm gonna send my application tonight" " perfect , oh and I think I need to take a week off" " a week why?" " I don't know get myself together take some time for myself" " of course, who would you leave in charge?" " mm let me think for a second .. what about Ben?" " bad idea I think this place is on fire by the end of the weeks" "how about the hot person that's sitting in front of me" "I think that could work" he said he looked around and gave her a quick kiss "what was that for ?" " giving U courage to talk to the team and tell them I'm the one in charge when I just got here" "trust me it's gonna be okay" they both went up the beanery "team !" They all looked at her " I just wanted to say that I will take a week off" " why?" Jack asked " I need personal leave that's all , personal business, I expect U all to respect my decision" "okay fine who's gonna be in charge?" " Sullivan is gonna fill my place until I'll be back" "why isn't it me , I was lieutenant here before him " he said mad "look jack , he was doing this job way before U he got lieutenant way before U he has way more experience than U and you are still struggling between U personal life and work so" "fine fine I get it" he said back "maya will be filling in as lieutenant until Sullivan takes back his position is everything clear with everyone?" "Yes captain". "Okay then everyone back to work".