Now to Forever [M]

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A one-shot based on a request from Tumblr!

Jungkook and Reader

Genre: Ex-boyfriend Jungkook, fluff and juuuuust a wee bit of angst

Word count: 9,624 words


You scroll through your emails, feeling excited. It isn't the boring missives that uplift your mood, but the anticipation of something new. After years of hard work, starting as a department head all the way up to being a managing director of family-owned hotel chains, you've proven yourself a capable leader. More importantly, you have amassed a sum of funds in addition to your parents' approval and support to start a business of your own. Numerous discussion and planning have all led to this moment.

"Your two o'clock appointment is here, Miss."

"Show him in, Yun Hee," you tell your assistant.

The phone receiver barely hits its cradle when a few polite knocks sound at your door. "Come in," you beckon as you hurriedly finish replying to an email. "Excuse me for a minute while I finish this."

"No problem," a warm, familiar voice answers you.

Your fingers freeze a few millimeters above the keyboard, but your head swivels towards the owner of the voice. For a fraction of a second, you're afraid that after so long, you've started to hear his voice out of nowhere again, even though he is not in your life anymore. However, this time your ears are not deceiving you, nor are you imagining things.



"Fuck Jeon Jungkook!"


"I'll drink to that!"

The cheers of your girlfriends spurred you on, glasses clinking before each of you downed your shots. Closing your eyes, you savoured the burn of the alcohol as it made its way down your throat. Perhaps getting completely drunk was what you needed after all.

"Hey, y/n," Dara nudged hard at your arm with her elbow, never one for being subtle. "That guy over at the bar is totally checking you out."

You slowly set your glass on the table before shifting your eyes ever so cautiously, trying to make up for Dara's obvious pointing. Sure enough, a guy in a button down shirt and slacks was unabashedly staring at you as he perched on a stool by the counter. Upon making eye contact, he raised his glass, mouth stretched into a boxy smile that you would normally find charming, but you were not in the mood tonight. In fact, you weren't sure if you would ever be in the mood again.

"He's cute, but I'm not really feeling up to it tonight," you relayed the thought to your friends. Chae Rin groaned at your words.

"Come on, y/n! What's the point of bringing you out if you don't let yourself have some fun?"

"Who says I can't have fun with you guys?" You countered.

"She's right," Bom cut in before Chae Rin could think of a comeback. "We don't have to turn to guys to have fun."

"Boys suck anyway," Min Ji weighed in, her words already slurred by the alcohol. You shook your head, smiling, knowing that she would be the first one to leave in the arms of another man that night.

Chae Rin scowled, but she knew better than to argue. Bom had a point after all - drunk and moody you was definitely a significant improvement to the broken and weeping you, which was the result of their attempts at cheering you up by bringing ice cream and chocolate to have a girls' night in your room.

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