New Beginnings

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Apartment number 20, remains bare, with no furniture or people to keep the place alive. Only the gold frame on the door contains the fun-loving memories of the six friends, Monica, Chandler, Ross, Rachel, Phoebe and Joey. They are now living their own separate lives with their own families. 

The clock strikes 9 the next morning, after a last long night spent with Friends. Monica and Chandler have moved into their new house in Westchester with their two children, Jack and Erica. Phoebe and Mike are living together in Phoebe's apartment and Joey is alone at his apartment. Ross and Rachel are living together at Ross' place. Reality hits Rachel, when she realises that it is now time to carry on her life without her friends. 

*Rachel's POV*

I am sat up in bed with Ross, I can't help but cry when thinking about not seeing Monica and Chandler and the others as much anymore. No more late night chats at their place and no more spending time at Centrel Perk all together as a group. As I am crying thinking about the future, Ross starts to ster, "Oh sweetie, whats wrong?" Ross says awake and worried. I try to answer him between sobs, but I can't. Eventually I manage to speak and make a bit of sense on what is happening. "I...I..j-just..can't..stop..thinking about..the others." I say still crying. "It's okay, Sweetie. We can still see them, trust me, everything is going to be ok. Plus we are together again, and we have a baby. It's time to become a real family. You are an excellent mother. Any problems that come are way, we can fight them together. I love you, Rach" He says before quickly kissing me and getting out of bed. Ross is right, we can still see Monica, Chandler and the others. But now it is time to focus on our family. 

I get out of bed after wiping my tears away. I walk over to Emma's crib, and she is still sound asleep. Just looking at her, asleep and dreaming. Makes me feel a little better. It is just the three of us here, but we can make this work. As I am still looking at Emma, she begins to wake up and starts crying. "Oh come here sweetie, don't worry mommy's got you" I say lifting her out of the crib and holding her and rocking her from side to side. She stops crying and she is now just in my arms and she starts to hug me. "Aww Emma, I love you sweetie" I kiss her on the head. Still holding her I walk over to the kitchen and Ross has made me breakfast, eggs and toast. "Aww thank you, Honey" I walk over and kiss him on the cheek. I put Emma in her high chair, as I make her a bowl of apple and banana. "Sweetie, I get off work  a bit earlier today, before I go to work, I will drop Emma off at Mom and Dad's and I will pick her up after work and come visit you at Ralph Lauren, before going to the park with Emma, Is that okay?" Ross asks, "Yes, that is okay Honey, thank you." After we have all finished speaking and having our breakfast. We then all get ready for the day, as we both go off to work, with Ross with Emma. Time for it to go back to a bit of a different normality. 

*Joey's POV*  

Its about 11am, and I have just woken up. Man It feels really different not living in the same building as Chandler anymore, he's my best friend. Now I can only steal food from my own refridgerator. What can I make with a bottle of beer, formula and leftover pizza. Not having Rachel here with Emma is also a very strange feeling. It feels like I am just a lone wolf. Alone forever. At least I have Chick jr and Duck jr. As I am sat in silence, eating the leftover pizza. The phone starts to ring, I pick up the phone "Hello?" I say, "Hey Joe, whats up?" a familiar man's voice says. Then I realise who is calling, I answer back in excitement "Hey Chandler, I am so glad you called, I am doing fine. What is it like in the new house with Monica and the twins?" I respond. "It's ok, Joey..But it just doesn't feel the same not seeing you guys. We have only been here one day, and Monica has spent majority of our time here cleaning. I mean could the house be any cleaner. Anyway, I miss you man. I hope we can see eachother soon. But I don't know how much time I have since we have 2 babies now that need constant care." Chandler says. "I miss you too, man. It is so weird not having you around here. Especially when we would play Fooseball."I say sadly. "Joey it hasn't even been a whole day, you'll be fine I promise, plus I can call as much as I can, that is if Monica lets me sit and talk to you, without shooing me off the sofa and cleaning it again. The woman is insane" He says laughing.  "Anyway, I got to go man, the babies are crying again, Man these babies cry and poop their diapers alot, way more than I do. (he laughs) anyway, I'll talk later man, See ya." Chandler says. "See ya too, man". I say. We then both hang up. It feels a lot easier knowing that I can keep in contact with Chandler. We will be calling all the time, unless I have paid my phone bill. It won't be easy living here alone especailly with like no money, but I will make it work. I say to myself, before, I quickly head out with the last slice of pizza, to go to my audition that I am about 1 hour late too. Let's see how this one goes.

*Phoebe's POV*

As Mike is at work, playing the piano for children. I have flashbacks to all the good times I had with the others. As I am reminising all the good times. I had a pang of realisation that all those good moments are in the past and now we are living our seperate lives. Knowing that, hits me with a rush of sadness. But there is no need in feeling floopy. I mean I will be able to see them again, I hope. I start to strum on my guitar for fun, then there is a random knock at the door. I walk over then open the door. Then to my amazement I see someone familiar the other side. "Um. Hey Phoebe" he says. "Oh my god, Hi David. What are you doing here?" I ask. "Oh well, I have been meaning to see you for a while now just to catch up, but Max and I have been travelling a bit lately for our career. But I managed to get away at the moment. My.. you look even more beautiful then the last time I saw you" David says looking into my eyes. "Yeah I do (catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror) But it is so great that you are back, it is really nice to see you. Anyway, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" I ask curious into what he will say. "Well I am getting married, to a woman named Celia. But I..I just don't think I can" he says looking worried. "Wow I am so happy for you and um..Why not?" I ask scared of his reponse. "Well I think I am... in love with... somebody else" he says embarassed. I look at him really scared of his answer, but I think I know what is coming "Who?" I ask. "Well... I.. I'm In love with you.... And..I..I know you are with Mike but.. I can't stop thinking about you Phoebe. I love you" David responds. We both just stand in silence. I don't know what to tell him, I mean, I am married to Mike, the love of my life. But the old love of my life is standing right in front of me. What should I do? 

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