Part 1

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When she was a young girl she would visit the library regularly reading books transporting her into another world as she was not particularly fond of this one, a world where everything was at her fingertips, she could do what she wanted, live wildly and love wildly.

As she grew so did her expectations for life although she knew they would never really be met, for how could reality ever compare to what she had conjured up in her mind. As the years went on, her dream life remained intact, always wanting to achieve it however it was always just out of reach, perhaps she was too scared to do something about it for she was a shy girl and what would people think.

Now however there was a new addition to her wandering thoughts. She wished to have a partner, a man who would never leave her side, who would stick with her through thick and thin and give her the life she continually dreams of, he would be everything she hopes for and they would do it all together them against the world, he would be perfect just like in her books.

Of course it is all in her mind she would not dare to act on or share her thoughts with anyone, but wishing doesn't hurt, she always held out hope.

Hope that one day this man would appear out of nowhere, be her saving grace and give her the reality she wanted as she could not do it alone; an angel perhaps to bring her thoughts to life.

He would dance with her under the soft glow of the moonlight and with only the twinkling stars as their quiet audience.

He would kiss her in the rain as if she were the only girl in the world, in his eyes.

He would fight for her, sing songs about her, defend her to no end, and never run out of things to say.

He would show up and completely turn around her world make her fall for him giving her no other choice but to happily surrender herself to him.
He would be someone- the only one she just wants around, always

And one day her wish came true, even better than she could hope for.

He was everything and more
He gave her the life she wanted, the one she deserved
He came in like a hurricane completely crushing the calm serenity of her boring life and she eventually welcomed him with open arms unaware of the effect he would actually have on her life.

She had never seen him before, perhaps he was new in town, he gave off a mysterious vibe and from the beginning he warned her he ruins everything he touches; she believed him.

At first she was hesitant to get to know him, she had the sense to see he was never up to good, he just screamed 'heartbreaker' with his leather jacket, tattoo covered arms and rugged, dark features- the complete opposite of her, yet there was something intriguing about him, he acted as if he were an open book, but deep inside there was something missing and she fully intended to find out what.

So, as she remembered her books and the stories she read, she got closer to the boy whom she soon found there was so much more to than he let on, a dark, nagging voice at the back of her mind told her what she was doing was wrong, he wrecked everything in his path and she was no exception, and he did wreck her, just not in the way she thought he would.

She saw the boy as an opportunity, an opportunity to live the life she had conjured up in her mind, the life she thought she would only live in her dreams; and she would not let him pass her by.

So, she hung around him, got to know him but just barely as the boy never opened up, he seemed to know everything about her but she on the other hand knew nothing, yet she did not seem to mind.

Many others did not much like the boy and the influence he had on the young seemly innocent girl whose life took a turn as soon as he appeared- for better or for worse, this was debatable.
The girl soon learned that there was no such thing as going slow with the boy, he took life head on and fast paced, but she never knew why he was always in such a hurry.

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