The Blacksmith's Daughter - Merlin [1]

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Hewwo Hewwo! So I've been wanting to do X Readers for a long time, but doing a whole story is harder with doing all the stories I have planned. So for the first x Reader, it will be a One-shot book! I have a list of people that I will be writing and will be comfortable writing without having to look up how the character acts.

So each character will be acting as close as I can to how they act in the game or show/movie, BUT I will also be writing them slightly different to match how the story goes. These chapters do take some time because I am having them be longer, I'm trying to at least hit 6,000 words or more. I always get roughly around 2,000 words and stop. Eventually, I will open for requests about the characters I have and maybe eventually open for new characters, but as of right now it will just be the characters I have picked. If you have any questions or concerns let me know in the comments below! I'll answer when I have time between working on these one-shots and my full book stories and then school. I am a college student so when school starts I may not be writing as much as I would like to but I will try my best to keep uploading!

I believe that is everything as of right now, let me know if you were Merlin'd from the movie Red Shoes and the 7 dwarfs! I was, and still am... That man is handsome so much. ugh

Word Count: 7702

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The dragon's roar echoed throughout the village, I grabbed my mother's hand and brought her to the basement. "Mother please, Stay here," I exclaimed running up the stairs towards father's workshop, he was out on business right now. I grabbed his best swords from the shop and ran outside.

"(Y/N)! GET INSIDE" Beck yelled his voice gravelly as he was covered in ash from the burning buildings.

I shook my head no "No! I'm helping this time!" I held the swords in my hands as the dragon turned to me, I took in a deep breath. This is what I've been training for, sure I trained myself with dad's help sometimes. I can do this, I got this! I started running towards the beast that was attacking my home when a bright flash of light threw me off. I fell to the floor my swords clanking, "What happened?!" Beck helped me up, I brushed off my dress and picked my sword back up

"(Y/N)! It's the fearless Seven! They are here to help!" I felt my heartbeat speed up, I looked towards them as they began to fight the dragon with ease. Beck put his hand on my shoulder, "Dreaming about Merlin again, (Y/N)?" He laughed. I lightly hit him staying hidden from the fight

"He was so nice when I last met him..." I sighed thinking back to the day he entered my father's shop with Prince Arthur.


It was a Tuesday afternoon, I was getting ready to close up shop for my father. When the bell rang as someone entered the shop, I put on a big smile and turned to the door "Welcome to (L/N)'s Blacksmith shop!" I exclaimed I walked towards the two males that entered the store. "Can I help you with something today?"

The one in the blue coat had a smile on his face but the other boy did not, I assume he figured I could not help them. "Yes, if you could actually," Bluecoat spoke lightly but with an adorable accent. "My friend here, Arthur is looking for a wonderful sword. I'm afraid his last one broke." I shook my head in understatement, I walked over to where we hung our best swords my dad had made.

"Well over here is where we have-" I was about to explain our swords and what they were made of when 'Arthur' spoke up

"Not to be rude, but is there someone else who could help me?" He paused walking up to the swords examining them, "I need the best sword, I need someone who has experience." I bit my lip in anger,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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