Chapter 1: Fish in a Net

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    It was a beautiful day in Cape Cod , Massachusetts

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    It was a beautiful day in Cape Cod , Massachusetts . Jaden and his friends were glad to be spending time together , of course it was only a quick two week break issued due to the Coronavirus outbreak but it was great for what it was. All five of them James , Calique , Ryan, Erica and Jaden.The sun was ripe , the breeze seemed to talk as it blew a rush of fresh air into them. They were walking down the street , to meet Emery of course , they had begged and begged james to get them plane tickets here and seeing as James' dad has a branch of his famous Banana Tech company here it was perfect . Every thing was going out like a Barbie movie , until a wrong path changed everything.

"Are you sure about this " Ryan mumbled , "I have like 1k youtube followers waiting for me at home"

"Yeah of course" Calique joked ,"and dont worry ryan the monster would be wasting their time trying to get meat of of you"

"guys can we just go back on the path" James said looking over his shoulder

"James fricken pink guy isnt gonna be down in the water waiting for you " Erica taunted

"He doesnt know what that means , he's not allowed to use the internet" Jaden whispered 

"His dad owns a Tech company and he cant use like the biggest part of technology , that sucks" Erica went on.

"ERICA" Jaden said making slow head points towards James

"Its fine i get it" James said looking down "why are we taking this route anyways"

"Its like 5 minutes faster"

Calique had led them down a incline in the road that hugged the see.It was a little shipping spot under the bridge and was fighting against the new built super roads wanting to cut through the valley to add Tesla Superchargers. 

James ' face fell uneasy as they neared a fleet of fishing ships , "Hey guys i think i need to use the bathroom" 

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James ' face fell uneasy as they neared a fleet of fishing ships , "Hey guys i think i need to use the bathroom" 

"OK " Jaden said , "try that dinner at the edge of the street"

James smiled and ran off toward the dinner

A bolt of thin lightning struck the dinner a couple seconds after James entered but they simply took no notice.

"Hey guys " 

"What Ryan"


A small blue , factory steel fishing boat was heading right for them , they tried to yell stop but either the driver was wearing the new airpods with sound cancellation or there was no driver . However they had no time to think about that as within seconds the boat had crushed through the Cape Cod sign and was now sunk into the soil of "Ca d" It seemed to be smoking.

"Help" Ryan yelled

The others , fueled with curiosity slowly inched towards the boats entrance and within seconds they were up on the boat. "Come Ryan" , a moment of hesitation and the pressure of his peers urged Ryan to join them on the boat.This boat was very peculliar. First of all their was no driver , in fact there was nothing in the cockpit except a strange box looking device with wires attaching to the boat."Woah what is this " said Calique "looks like c4" , "cool" and thats when Jaden took the picture that would change their lives

As soon as he took it the device seemed to have a crush for his phone , causing large sparks of electricity to spark out and make Jaden drop his phone

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As soon as he took it the device seemed to have a crush for his phone , causing large sparks of electricity to spark out and make Jaden drop his phone. It then hugged unto the device as if they've known each other for years. It seemed to cause them to fuse together the energy from the device along with the mix of apps seeming to acquaint themselves by scrolling through in hyperspeed , and "THAT WAS'NT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN" was the last thing they heard before submerging into complete darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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