Chapter 3

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Soon everyone started to come in for breakfast. When everyone arrived my drawings flew so fast into the faces of the Slytherin's, Ravenclaw's and all the teachers the twins said would get pranked. It happened so fast no one had time to react and the Great Hall was filled with screams and laughter from the other houses. I was doubling over with Harry from Malfoy's face and reaction.

He had screamed causing him to drop his goblet. That was full of pumpkin juice on his pants. He even fell off of his seat. And when Crabbe went to help him his big long arms swept scrambled eggs right on to Malfoy. They went all over him and from the looks of it in his shirt as well. And he jumped up trying to get them off he was either embarrassed and annoyed or they were fresh and super hot and was trying to get them off before he got burned.

Once the laughter calmed down it went deadly silent as Snape got up his face red with anger. He took out his wand and summoned all the drawings to his hand in a neat pile. Then he looked at the Gryffindor table. "Detention Mr. Weasley's for two weeks meet me at my office at six sharp every night." He then stormed off.

So did a lot of the people who got pranked to clean up from either the spilt drinks, food or they wet themselves from being scared so badly. Everyone else went to their class they had for that day. And my year had Transfiguration with McGonagall who by the way was trying to suppress a smile.

Okay so in transfiguration we were still reviewing what we learned. And Ron completely failed because he broke his wand from crashing into the whomping willow. But our next class being herbology wasn't that bad it was relaxing.

We learned what plants we would be covering this school year besides the mandrakes. And let's just say some students looked excited yet scared at the same time about this. As for double charms we worked on the wand movements for the spells we would be doing this year.

History of magic was next. Me and Hermione who have already read and memorized the history books just sat listened to him while the boys goofed off. We sent them disappointed looks but it didn't do anything. After that class we were free. But I decided to do some research on something. Its been stuck in my mind since Harry told me about Dobby. He was trying to make us not go to Hogwarts because it was dangerous. I wanted to know the entire history of Hogwarts and their legends because sometimes legends are true.

Few hours later

Man the only bad thing I could find is a girl getting killed. In the bathroom that moaning mrytle was in. And that is surrounded by the legend of the chambers of secrets. Which started after Salazar Slytherin left when he came to a disagreement with the other three founders. But when I checked the time I saw I had only a few minutes before dinner. So I had to hurry to the Great Hall. Plus the library was closing anyways.

"Hey Violetta where have you been?" Harry asked sinced I disappeared hours ago.

"I was just doing research about what Dobby said." I replied to him which got the attention of Hermione and Ron.

"Who's Dobby?" Hermione asked while frowning since the name didn't ring a bell. Ron nodded in agreement with Hermione since nothing came to mind either.

"Dobby a house elf was the one stealing our mail and trying to get me to stay way from Hogwarts." Harry supplied them with the information. Ron frowned he heard that. Since he knew that house elf's only did what their Masters wanted them to do.

"Mate I think someone was trying to get you to leave Hogwarts since house elves have to follow their Masters orders." Ron told Harry and he was loud enough for Violetta and Hermione to hear. After that they are in silence going over they had talked about. Since someone didn't want the Harry Potter here at Hogwarts and it probably wasn't for a good reason.

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