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hey there, hope you guys like this book, i will try to update daily, but if i cant its because of school, and basketball, and just lots of thungs going on right now. i hope you all enjoy this book as mych as i enjoy writing it for you. please leave comments and tell me if you like it or if you dont. <3

- Adrienne -
It was almost the last day of school, and I was really excited for summer to come. My friends Lea and Sidney were constantly bothering me to talk to Shawn before the end if school party at Klyde Johnsons house. I was way too nervous, but I knew I had to find the guts somewhere and talk to him. I really like Shawn, and i mean he's the perfect guy. How could I not? Hes almost six feet tall, has dark brown hair and almost the same colour eyes, just a little lighter. His smile could brighten up the room, and he ws always such a kind hearted person. I wanted to tell him I liked him, a lot. But lets face it, I dont belong with someone like him.

I know so many people who "totally ship us" or think "we'd be the cutest" but we all know its never going to happen. It's just out of the question. Im only about five foot three, and i dont weigh over 105 pounds. I have long brown hair, and bright blue eyes that almost look too large for my small, slim face. Im a quiet person with very few friends, and I'm not exactlty the idea of "popular". I wish I could be different, and fit in with the people he fits in with. Maybe that way we could be closer, but I can't and I wont. We have only talked like four times, and I have known him since the eighth grade. It was always super awkward between us, and with basically any other girl he's fine talking to them, or even being their partners. Including my friends.

Today I was minding my own buisness, walking to my history class, when someone pushed me. I dropped all of my books and fell right into someones stong arms. When I looked up, I was horrified. Of course with my luck, it was Shawn Mendes.

"Oh my goodness, I-I am so sorry!" I stuttered, trying to get back to my feet.
I started to pick up my books when he took them out of my hands, and grabbed the rest of them from the floor.

"It's all good. I can carry these to your next class for you. History, right?" He asked me as he stood up and smiled at me

"Um yeah, history." I mumbled.

We walked down the hall and were about to turn the corner when Shawn spoke again.
"Hey, you're okay, right? No cuts or bruises or anything?" He looked almost worried.
Why would he worry about me?
"No I'm fine. Thanks for asking though." I answered.
"Okay, good. Um I was wondering if uh, maybe you wanted to have lunch with me or something? It's fine if you dont but I would like to get to know you a bit better, Adrienne." He said, turning towards me.
I had no idea how to respond. The last ten munutes of my life just completely changed and turned and kept going the opposite way. I wanted today to just be another normal day, but this was a start to talking to him about my feelings, I guess.
"Adrienne?" He waved his hand in front of my face.
"Oh, uhh, sorry, I would love to have lunch with you, Shawn." I told him.
"Haha, awesome. I'll meet you at your locker after this period. See ya later." He smilled at me as he walked away.
I walked into my history class and took my seat. I could't keep the smile off of my face obviously, because when Lea came to sit down beside me, she asked me,
"Why are you all smiley? Did you finally talk to Shawn?!" She practically shrieked, her eyes becoming wider.
"Shhh, not so loud Lea, jee. I'll tell you after school, I'm having lunch with someone new today." I chirped happily.
Maybe today was going to be the start of something better. I just couldn't keep myself from thinking why all of a sudden he was acknowledging me. It all seemed so sudden, but this could just be to "get to know me a bit better" as he had said.

The rest of my history class I glared at the clock, which i think was making time ten times slower, just to torture me.


Hey guys! I hope this chapter was pretty good, sorry if it was short i just got home from a basketball practice and had to shower and eat dinner. Please give me some feedback, i would love to hear from you all. Also don't forget to follow me, i will follow you back! Thanks, and enjoy the first chapter! I will be updating tomorrow for sure, and more often on the weekend, i promise! Have a great day, bye!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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