Bloody hell.

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The cool winter air blew against my face as I made my way into the school, my book bag thrown over my shoulder, but it only carried a small tablet. Before I entered the large metal doors, I had to empty everything out of my pockets where a machine scanned for anything dangerous.

But what was the use, no one was allowed to purchase guns or any weapons unless they were a guard anyways? It's a ridiculous rule if you ask me.

But that doesn't mean I haven't shot a gun before. If you ask anyone in this city who Demetrius Carters is they'll probably cringe, make a disgusted face, or even run away without a word. I'm probably the most rebellious one in this boring place.

Yup. Everything from shooting a weapon to leaving my hands unfolded during the Calling Ceremony, which is disrespectful but what's respectful about me?

The machine beeped and the green light came on, the blue holographic wall departed and let me through. It may be a holograph, but don't touch it.. I may or may not've touched it a time or two. Inside the building teenagers pushed and shoved their way past each other, the halls roaring with the sounds of talking, yelling, screaming and laughing.

"Hello Demetrius, I see you're doing quite fine today!" Mr. Mark said, patting me on the shoulder and I smiled, giving him a slight bow of my head. "Thank you sir, I'm am doing very nicely. Thank you." He smiled back at me an turned around, and my smirk melted off my face and I rolled my eyes.

"Hello Demetrius, I see you're doing your usual sarcasm as, well, usual today!" I turned around and laughed as my best friend Finn mocked my teacher. I gave him a firm hand shake and smirked, "My my, Mr Gilbert, you sure do a fine impression if I do say so myself!" He rolled his eyes back at me and we walked to our lockers.

I said my name and the blue metal button beeped, and my locker suddenly swung open. Finn did the same beside me. I unzipped my book bag, taking out the tablet and just throwing my book bag in, then slamming the locker shut. It beeped and the blue button turned red saying it was locked.

"So let me guess, you're still trying to do that stupid report on America without the teachers approval. Woo, I wish I had a pair big enough to do that." Finn remarked, slamming his locker shut. I simply shoved him in the shoulder. "You know I like history though, I just wonder why the teachers don't talk about it so much-" "Maybe it's because that's none of the student concerns." A deep voice doomed behind me. I chuckled to myself and turned, seeing none other than principal Way.

"Good morning sir, lovely weather we're having today aren't we? After all it's the same exact weather we've had for.. oh.. 500 years?" I smiled innocently at him, cocking my head and holding my tablet firmly on my chest.

He growled at me and shook his head, and rubbed his temples. So glad I bother Mr. Way so much he gets head aches! "You are needed in my office after first class. Come right after the bell, no where else." I rolled my eyes and groaned, "Oh yes Mr. Way, sir."

He gave a small sigh and turned away, walking with his hands folded on his back, his white suit was tainted by some grey stains. I moved my bright blue hair out of my eyes and groaned, I thought I spiked that up?

I walked alone to class, sitting down at my table. A girl named Serenity sat in front of me, she has one blue eye and one green eye, and dark purple hair. She looked up at me and smiled. "Hello Demetrius, how are you today?" She asks me the same damned question every day.

"Fine, the same answer I've been giving you and the same answer I'll give you for the rest of the year." Her smile slipped off her face, and was replaced with anger. "You'll think when we're called and paired at the end of the school year. You'll think of all those years you neglected me and was a total jerk to me!" I rolled my eyes and groaned, I seem to do that a lot.

Oh the calling ceremony, a beautiful time when a male and female are paired, married, forced to have children, and die together. In my recent studies on history, people used to be able to choose who to marry, they weren't paired. But whatever.

I turned on my tablet, and it lit to life as I typed in my password and it scanned my finger print to really make sure it was me. I did the morning work, and for the rest of home room I just toyed with my electronic. The entire time, Serenity gave me this very cold, deep glare.

The bell rang and I hurried out of class, even before I could hear the clicking of her heels behind me and quickly went to the office. I went straight for the white, metal door and pressed a button on a touch screen.

"State your name please," it said. "Demetrius Carters." The screen beeped and the door opened, there at the glass desk sat Principal Way. "Ah. Mr. Carters, have a seat next to your newest peer, Jasper Philips." and the pale, white haired boy with a white button up, black vest, white pants and black shoes turned and looked at me.

That's when something hit me like that bullet from the gun I shot hit the tree.

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