Ellie's Birthday

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It's been almost three years since Ellie and I arrived at Arthur's camp. Adjusting to living there wasn't too bad, everyone has their job to make sure everything is functioning, and life goes on as normal. The only thing I haven't prepared myself for though? Ellie's 18th Birthday. I want it to be special... but I haven't the slightest clue of what I'm going to do, or what I'm going to give her... and I only have two days to figure it out.

"Hey Crow!" Ellie calls to me while I'm finishing a bowl of deer stew.

"Hey what?" I reply.

"Adam just challenged me to a throwing knife competition. You wanna come root your partner in crime on?" She twirls her switch blade around to show off. Since reaching camp she's had plenty of time to practice her knife skills and I'll admit, they're impressive.

"Oh yes please. I can't wait to see the look on his face." I spring to my feet and meet her by the targets. A crowd has already gathered to watch this poor man be shamed. Basically the rules are like darts just cooler because, well, knives.

Adam steps up for his three throws, and after each one Ellie and I share a smirk with each other, I wouldn't be surprised if we thought the same words too. "Pathetic. Weak. Pitiful."

"Alright chump let me show you how it's done." Ellie cracks her knuckles and picks up her knives. Her first throw, bullseye. Her second throw, bullseye. And her final throw? You guessed it, bullseye. The crowd ignites with applause as Ellie takes a bow and walks over to me.

"That a girl Ellie. You just ended that man." I tell her as we give a victorious high five.

"I know I'm just the Knife Queen. Who dares to question me?" Her sarcastic royal accent killed me. But all fun must come to a close.

"Hey, quiet down y'all. I hate to ruin the fun but it's patrol time. Crow and Ellie, you two are up." Arthur calls us from a small pedestal.

"I call riding Dutch!" Ellie exclaims as she runs towards the stables. I don't even know why she calls dibs anymore, I always let her and Dutch go together. Besides, Dutch likes Ellie more than me and I don't blame him. My trusty horse for the day shall be Peanut. I think you can guess who also named that horse once we first got here.

Patrols are rather lack luster, we search around a certain perimeter to make sure nothing is suspicious, and sometimes we go into town to check for supplies or possible unwanted guess. It's funny going on patrols with Ellie now, riding her own horse, carrying the same pistol and hunting rifle I gave her a few years ago.

"Hey Crow mind if we head into town? I wanna do a little shopping. Oh and so does Dutch, ain't that right pretty boy?"

"I don't see why not Ellie, sounds like a fun filled afternoon." I wouldn't mind doing a little shopping myself, maybe finding something for her birthday. But of course she can't see me doing it so... there's that. But then again Ellie is easily distracted by shiny things or stuff she's never seen before so it shouldn't be too hard.

Entering town I feel more like a scout for a gift than a patrol for supplies. Music stores and food cafes on my left, and a thrift store on my right... Bingo. I'm hoping I can at least find a card of some sorts, cause who would stock up on birthday cards during an apocalypse?

"Butterfly, you wanna check out this thrift shop? I don't think we've ever been in this one."

"Heck yeah! I've been wanting to go in there but wanted to safe it for the both of us. You're welcome." She smiles with a shrug. Some things never change.

This place basically looks like the Walmart version of a Goodwill and honestly I'm not complaining. Well, other than the fact that it's pitch black aside from some outside light and our flashlights. There were isles still full of clothes... but I'd rather not get her an old dress. Something with a little more sparkle would suit her. But before I do that, let's get this card out of the way. I see a rack full of envelopes and I pray there's cards too. "I'm gonna check over this way Ellie." I try my best not to sound suspicious.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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