027. versus the wolves at the door

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versus the wolves at
the door
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮ TWENTY SEVEN!versus the wolves at the door ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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         It was probably about minus thirty degrees in the Arctic at this very moment but the added feature of the freezing wind, made the temperature even more unbearable. Unfortunately for the Mech X4 members, they were stranded in the middle of it with  minimum to nothing to keep them warm. They all currently stood around in the snow just shivering and trying to heat themselves up by vigorously rubbing their arms and blowing on their hands.

The coldest one of the bunch was definitely Spyder. He had surrendered his extra layer to Natalie. The girl didn't do well in the cold, she preferred the hot summer. If the temperature was under zero degrees than it felt like the ice age to her.

"Are you ok?" Spyder asked the shivering girl.

"I'm ok." Natalie nodded. "My fingers are starting to go numb thought." She blew on them for warmth.

"I'll keep them warm for you." Spyder suggested, taking both of her hands into his.

"Thank you." Natalie smiled.

"Ryan!" Mark and Veracity suddenly called out in despair. Everyone was desperate for help.

"Ryan! Ryan, are you there?" Harris asked worryingly, speaking into his Mech-Link.

Veracity had tried to use her cell phone to call the missing boy but it was no use as there was no service. "We don't have any signal."

"We're stranded." Spyder pointed out.

"I can't believe Ryan did that." Mark spoke.

"He tried to save us." Spyder reminded.

"I'm his big brother, I should of saved him and now......what if he's?" Mark assumed, not wanting to talk about death.

"No, no, there's gotta be a way to get back home." Veracity pondered. "You know, a backup plan?"

"There is no backup plan. We're going to be meat to the wolves soon." Hana reminded.

"Guys, I'm so sorry." Natalie apologized suddenly, earning looks from everyone. "I should of stayed, Traeger wanted me. If I stayed then maybe Ryan would be here with us."

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