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"Agh, it's so infuriating!" Jaemin whined, somewhat gathering the attention of the rest of the classroom, though it didn't seem to bother him. "He's so bossy, and I'm older!"

Jeno sunk lower into his seat, sitting straight for once though keeping his eye level down to the table. Does anyone matter to you if their name isn't Renjun?

"I mean, maths? Should I need to learn three different methods to solve the same equation? No!"

He's awfully animated today, Jeno thought as he tapped out a perfect rhythm against his knee to stay focused. Otherwise, his mind would fly away somewhere far.....somewhere nice, where he didn't know anyone and his problem didn't define him.

A tired sigh erupted from the younger's throat, making Jeno shiver as the warm breath tickled his cheeks. It was only then that he noticed how close they must've been, and the ravenette couldn't help but sneak a peak.

His eyes widened at the sight of Jaemin, the younger leaning on his palm while staring back at him with this fond expression. More than the fact that his hair was now pastel blue (which Jeno thought suited him), it was the warm sensation the older felt while viewing his beautiful face.

Because that's what it was. Beautiful. There wasn't any imperfection there, and he felt no discomfort to see it. Usually, he would have hair falling in his eyes haphazardly, or a completely bedraggled uniform. But today, Jaemin looked fine. His blue hair was flicked back in a middle parting, his uniform was covered by the fact that he was leaning over, and as tired as he appeared, there were no physical signs of it.

Satisfying, the teen thought, sitting back to create a fraction more distance. "Your hair is blue."

The younger perked up at the sound of his voice, tilting his head curiously. "You only just noticed?"

"I haven't been looking...." Jeno admitted, though couldn't take his eyes off him now. "Why are you upset?"

Jaemin drew small circles onto the chipped wood subconsciously, eyeing the other with amusement and treading carefully so not to throw Jeno back into his shell. "I feel sad now."


"I've poured my heart out to you about a secret I haven't even told Renjun, and you weren't even listening."

The older chewed his lower lip anxiously, wringing his fingers together due to nerves and shaking his head. "I-I was......but why is having a tutor a secret?"

"Dude, it's so embarrassing! Not only that, but he's super mean. Like a kinky tutor from those weird movies."

He's so melodramatic, the older smiled slightly, looking back down towards the table and eliciting a short breath. "You should meet him halfway. He's probably not as bad as you think...." Oh god, now I'm giving him advice? Shut up, shut up, shut up-

"You should have a little more confidence."

I don't lack confidence! I just can't stand how untidy the world is....

Jaemin tried to study his downcast features, looking for reasons as to why he could only pull three or four sentences from the boy in one sitting. Jeno seemed to be a meek and shy teenager, yet that couldn't have been it.

As the ravenette looked over to him once more, his lips were pulled into a pout as he pushed his chair back gently. "Why do you always talk to me? It's been a year, Jaemin. I know almost everything about you, and again, you've just shared a secret with me.....why? I give you nothing in return."

"Like I always say," the blue haired male sighed, leaning back down on his palm and opting not to tempt fate by asking too many questions. "You're a good listener. I prefer to talk a lot, and some people like to listen. You."

"Go talk to Renjun."

Jaemin chuckled fondly, waving the idea off as though it were absurd. "He's like me, and talks a lot. Renjun won't listen to a thing I say, nor does he open his eyes to what I've become....I'm still seven years old in his mind."

Jeno gritted his teeth, unsure of why that irked him so much. Someone like Na Jaemin deserved to have at least some emotional support. After all, he had essentially wasted a year opening up to the older about random and sensitive things. If Renjun doesn't listen to you, then he's not worth your efforts and time. Find someone else, he wanted to suggest....though of course, kept it to himself. Even Jeno, a socially inept boy with no people skills, could see how emotionally abused Jaemin had become.

Though where was his right to preach when he whored himself out to his brother's best friend for no other reason than 'because they could'?

Jaemin sighed deeply, stretching out his arms and cracking an alluring smile. "I'm sorry if I annoy or bore you. But it's nice getting my irritation or reasons to be upset off my chest. Also," he ran his fingers through his newly dyed hair, "Do you like it? My colour?"

Jeno pretended to look off to the left and act as 'calm and collected' as he could. Really, the colour flooding to his cheeks was a new sensation and he absolutely hated it. Was complementing the cocky boy a good idea?

Probably not.

But there was a small level of guilt present due to the fact that Jaemin was a broken soul pretending to dance on rainbows.....and only Jeno knew that. "I like it," he murmured almost inaudibly.

"Aaaw, you're going to have to be louder than that," the younger teased, ruffling his own hair and feeling quite proud of Chenle's work. Jeno flicked his gaze back towards him and almost shrieked.

He messed up the parting! Don't fix it, Jen, don't slip. Remember the look that guy from P.E gave you when you fixed his hair? Don't. Do. It.

Yet before he could put his thoughts into action, he was leaning over the table and returning the other's hair back to the way it had been when their conversation began. His fingers worked like magic as he flicked the various stray strands into the middle parting and completely missed the amazed expression his victim wore.

Once finished, Jeno sat back with a little more comfort and finally met Jaemin's eyes again.

Oh shit. He's wearing the same expression....

"Someone doesn't like the messy look," he giggled, the smile so damn gorgeous that Jeno almost had to shield himself from the rays of beauty. "I'll be more careful to style it properly in future."

"I'm sorry..." the older apologised meekly, "I-I just couldn't take it...."

Jaemin daringly leaned in and pinched his cheek, standing up and sliding the chair back under its rightful desk. "You're cute, Lee Jeno. I'll give you that."

But I'm not, he reminded himself dismally, shuffling to lay back down on his folded arms. And I'm sure this Renjun boy is cuter than me....

As Jaemin left, Jeno could vaguely see the more enthusiastic skip to his step that hadn't been there before. I'm sure he'll be fine....

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𝗮 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂; norenmin Where stories live. Discover now