The Beginning

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John Carter. An american which came from Virginia and who dicovered a new real living planet just nearby. Which everyone on planet Earth call Mars, but according to the people on Mars they called their home Barsoom.

Barsoom is a desert and stone land planet and have hardly any oceans on it. All water is hinding among the mountain ravins and perhaps on some places that has not been discovered yet. But they people is living just like people on Earth and their cities is build like a whole city together and the there are several of them of course all over their world.

But John Carter had only discovered three of them. The very first one he visit was a savages villages that was living by aliens called Tharks. They were green skin, horn sitting on the cheekbones.

And they did not live together in families, they lived alone together i one big group. They get one egg every year to let them live alone in a shack tills they hatch and a group of soldiers come by and get them home and get nursed till they a big enough to handle things on their own.

That's how John met them the first time and the Jeddak Tars Tarkas John met that day to collect the hatchlings took an intresset in him to be a kind of a weapon for them. Especially when John used his stranged strengh to jump 10 feet away from Tars to get his gun that he left behind to gain John trust for a moment.

After that he met the princess of Mars Dejah Thoris and she came from the city call Helium which was they strongest place who defence themselves from their biggest enemy the city Zodanga. They have been fighting with eachother for generetion.

And it was all thanks to John that desided to help and save Dejah from begin killed at her wedding with the Jeddak from Zodanga who was lying about makeing peace with Helium and had his army ready to attack after the wedding.

But Zodanga got some secret help from an ancient myth and it was a Thern who had decided that Zodanga's leader was the right one to take Barsoom into a glorious future into Barsoom's history.

But John succeded to defeat the Thern sort of and the Jeddak of Helium made a defeat to the Zodanga for good and their leader was killed by his own Thern because he could see he was not a good use anymore, and did not want do get revealed by his own puppet in defeat by and outcast from and another planet.

After that John proposed to Dejah and got married in the same day. Everything was just perfect until John decided to get rid of the amulet that got him to Barsoom in the first place by another Thern that John accidently got killed but succeded to say the last word to transport him together with John.

Then when John just was going back to his chamber a guard outside wanted to congratulate him for saving them. But the guard was a Thern who tricked him and sended him home back to Virigina again.

John released that his real body was in same shape inside that cave he left Earth years ago. According to the soldier that company to seek shelter from the indians before and that body now was a real skeleton.

John released he could trick the Therns back by following him and to believe that he was looking for an new amulate to go back. By even also lie to his nephew to tell his very story about all of this and then let a Thern to go for his own nephew as a bait.

John writed down and said that he had founded a another amulete and a Thern was just going to kill John's nephew but John go before him from behind and shot him in the back by poison from octopus.

By then John had finally gotten his amulete and took his farwell to his nephew and then lay down on his bed in his own gravehouse and said the secret words and finally returned home to his beautiful wife and home.

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