☆Cнα⅊тɛʀ 43 ☆

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Please check the previous chapter because I have made some slight changes their and also play the song

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Please check the previous chapter because I have made some slight changes their and also play the song.

Nora's P.O.V

"Are you a virgin?" Asked Elijah.

My cheeks turn red, I was blushing. What the hell did he ask? Definately he is drunk.

"I think you should take some rest, I will see you tomorrow" I said and turn around. Suddenly he hold my hand and turn me towards himself, so I was facing him. He looked miserable and pathetic.

"Do you think I am a good person? Do you think people love me?" He asked. What? Why is he asking that? I mean I guess some people love him. After all he is not a bad guy, he just have some bad temper. He helped me and still helping. He is good and he deserves a better life. Though he should control his ego.

"Yes you are and people loves you" I said with a smile.

"Do you love me?" He said. I became silent, I didn't know what to say. I don't hate him, I mean I do hate his temper. He was waiting for my response. I get closer to him and the next thing I know I was kissing him. I was kissing him? Why? It feels so good. I don't want him to hold back anymore, I want him to kiss me like he did the first time. To my surprise he kissed me back with the same passion.

*Mature Scene* Skip, if you feel uncomfortable.

He started kissing my neck and then my collarbone. His hands were on my back. I was kinda getting weak but he held me up. He was trying to resist me. He was not too aggressive with the kisses. My heart started beating faster. Am I really doing this? It's like he is attracting me towards him and I cannot get away from him. He slowly put me on the bed and hover over me. I stare into his pale blue eyes. His kiss deepened. He pulled over my shirt and began to kiss down my body. I started unbuttoning his shirt. But then he stop and stare at me.
"Do you really want this? We can stop if you want" he asked. For the first time he didn't seemed arrogant or rude. I gave him my approval. I wanted this.

He started kissing my breast and I moaned. We both were naked under the covers. Our naked body touch and I felt a spark. I threw my head back and started moaning. It feels so nice. I bite my lips. I cannot take it anymore. I want him.

His lip was on mine while he entered me slowly. I moan loudly.
"I will try to be gentle" he whispered in my ear which sent shivers down my spine. He pushed faster. I started moaning out loud. I had a grip on his back. He pushed further untill he was all the way in. I need more.

*End of Mature Scene*

I wake up and saw Elijah's hand on my waist. It was still night time. I stare at Elijah. He was sleeping, when he sleeps he look so innocent and cute. I was kinda guilty of what I did. I started blushing thinking about this night. I get closer and kiss his forehead. I slowly get out of the bed and find my clothes, which were on the floor. I wear them and left his room. I know I should have stayed but  I cannot see him in the eyes, I was embarassed. I walk towards my room when I realised that I should check on my sister. Nina went out with Fredrik and since then I didn't saw her. She didn't lock her room, I slowly open it and saw that she was sleeping and shivering. I went in and pull over the blankets on her body. The messiest person ever. Her room was covered with toys and she didn't clean the floor. I don't know what to do with her, I told her so many times that this is not our house and needs to learn this stuffs. I slowly closed her door and went inside my room. I was exhausted. I get into my bed and started scrolling through my phone when, I saw a message from that unknown number. I completely forgot to talk about this matter to Elijah, I had to tell him about this tomorrow. I need to find out this guy. I checked the message.

Unknown: Meet me in Little Collins Café at 10 a.m. Don't bring anyone with you.

I cannot trust this person, he wants me to go alone which is dangerous. But he also knows something and I need to know the truth. I have to take the risk I guess. I replied him saying 'I will be there' and went back to sleep.

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