My Psychic Roommate

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"Aaaannnd here we are!"

Kara Danvers gestured widely and smiled goofily in a way only she could.

Her companion, however, looked thoroughly unimpressed. Something Kara noticed when she looked back after not hearing the surprised gasp she was hoping for.

"Um, so, what do you think?"

The blonde headed girl seemed to have a perpetual scowl on her face and, when she didn't, it was a look of thorough indifference. She looked around, walking a few steps here and there while taking in her surroundings.

Just when Kara was about to break the awkward silence her companion spoke up for the first time on their trip from the DEO detention facility.

"It suits you I suppose. Not sure what I imagined when I pictured Supergirl's living quarters."

Kara pursed her lips in a tiny smile and shook her head in amusement, taking the pseudo-compliment in before speaking.

"But as of right now it's our place, Gayle." Kara smiled warmly and placed her hand on her new friend's arm.

Gayle seemed a little uncomfortable with the touch and Kara let go so as to not make her houseguest feel awkward. Truth be told, she was a little uneasy about Kara touching her, but not for the reasons she seemed to think.

Gayle sighed. "God, I hate that name."

Kara's eyes widened and she suddenly felt terrible. They'd already talked about how she didn't want to be known as her criminal persona 'Psi' anymore. Plus, after she'd basically saved Kara's life from Reign on Fort Roz, Kara truly didn't feel like she was one anyway. So, they'd settled on Gayle, her birth name. Actually, Kara settled on it seeing how Gayle hadn't really said anything, until now that is.

Kara facepalmed and sputtered out, "Oh my God! I am so sorry! I thought you were ok with it. I mean, I knew you didn't want to be called, well, you know what, anymore so I thought your first name would be fine and-"

As much as Gayle wanted Kara to shut up so her headache would stop, she found it cute and endearing how she babbled on and on about her name.

Wait, what?! Did I just think she was cute?

"Did you say something?"

She'd noticed Kara had stopped word vomiting all over the loft.

Gayle went wide eyed. She hadn't said a word, but she had thought something and suddenly realized Kara heard it. That wasn't good, because that meant-

"Hello? Krypton to Gayle," Kara giggled. "Sorry, something I came up with. You know, instead of Earth to...ok never mind, you were saying? Or not saying? Sorry let me close the front door, I think there was someone in the hallway taking." Kara was babbling again, which Gayle tried not to think was cute in case she projected onto Kara again using her psychic abilities. It was a thing her people did when there were intense emotions towards another being, which there apparently were in this case.

"Emily," she finally spoke up.

"Who's Emily?" Kara questioned.

"Me," Gayle, or Emily rather, said while looking down. "It's my middle name, and I'd always liked it better, but my parents insisted. 'If we wanted you to be called Emily then we would have named you Emily, darling'" She quoted her mother in a sneering voice.

She continued looking down at the floor, angry and ashamed at having relived that memory in front of someone she barely knew. What often came after her parents would lecture her wasn't something she wanted to remember either and she quickly put that out of her mind.

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