Sapphire Incorporated: Pilot

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Still atmosphere--light breeze--panning moonlight; the precise ingredients for that peaceful night in the city. Although, the night was anything but peaceful.

"All right. Target's approaching." A young teenage girl with rich brown skin and curly afro hair with blonde highlights stood atop of a building, looking intensively into a pair of high-tech binoculars. Her sight was glued onto a gradually moving van that made its way down an empty street. It made a halt at the next stop light, and made a left turn, eventually pulling into the parking lot of a private bank. The girl's attention intensified.

"Ok. Target has reached the destination point." she vaguely whispered.

"Ya know, saying the whole 'destination point' line is lowkey a waste of time. Why not just say, 'It's there!' or somethin' like that?" Another voice abruptly sounded over her intercom earpiece.

"Are you kidding me?" she said, her tone exasperated.

"Nah, I ain't kidding. That's a whole mouthful you just said. You know how many syllables you could save if you just..."

"Will you pay attention to the freakin plan? We only have one shot at this!" the girl interrupted. Her entire mood which previously consisted of intense concentration--gone. Unless you consider wanting to literally kill irritating idiots, intense concentration. And the irritating idiot in her case, over the intercom was a teenage boy with twisted locks in his hair, blue braces and brown skin. He sat inside a rustic and rotting sedan in a separate parking lot, adjacent to the private bank. He had a laptop across his thighs along with a tablet in his hand that displayed a variety of virtual options. He spoke into his earpiece intercom:

"Look, you gettin all mad at me now, but one of these days, we're going to be out again on one of these things, and you're gonna be mad thirsty since you sounded out every last one of them syllables. What happens when you get thirsty, huh?" the boy said, equally agitated. All the girl could do was scrunch up her face and take a deep breath of withering, yet surprisingly, remaining patience. The pissed off girl on the roof: Sapphire. The outspoken boy in the car: Tyson. Suddenly, a gasp could be heard over both of their intercoms. And then:

"Oh my gosh guys! I can bring beverages next time if you want so we won't get thirsty! That could solve the problem!" a jittery and high-pitched girl spoke into the intercoms, where she stood in a closed down and abandoned grocery store that was on the other side of the private bank. She had long braids, a purple pair of glasses and mocha skin.

"Ya see? At least someone is thinking of all the details." Tyson said sarcastically. Sapphires ears--hot, infuriating steam. The girl continued:

"Yeah, that would be really fun anyway! Oohh, I could also bring some dry towels since I know we all get sweaty on these fun trips. And if we need..."

"Eh, eh, eh Liv; let's talk about this later, ok girl?" Sapphire interrupted.

"Oh, ok. Sorry, I'm just so hype! I have a lot of ideas!" the girl added.

"You can be hype all you want, Liv. Some people just don't share enthusiasm." Tyson said. Sapphire knew his comment was directed towards her. She merely shook her head. The overly cheery girl: Olivia.

"Cash, are you at least in position? Your window will be here any minute." Sapphire spoke, hoping to hear at least one person doing their job without anything extra. All she heard after speaking though, was the sound of crunching over the intercoms--extreme, provoking, crunching.

"Cash?" She repeated. The crunching was steady, but it quickly changed to a smacking noise. Finally, once the sound ceased:

"Oh yeah, my bad Saphh. Yo, these chips are so fire! I ain't never had them before. I think they're like some kind of bacon, smokey..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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