Chapter 1

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Buzzing flies, humidity, stuck in the middle of god knows where, how did this even happen? ...Oh, right, it was because of them this happened. Someone please give me a plane ticket back to Tokyo from this deserted island.


"Uh..." my dear friend Yuzuki Fujimoto stood shocked leaning on the door frame. "You're still moping" she groaned to me. I just lost my...what, twenty-third photography competition. Sure I still have my job at "FASHION JAPAN" but I want more than taking pictures of skimpy models.

"Fine, I guess I won't tell you about the photography competition I entered you in" she said before leisurely walking out of the poorly lit room. She probably wants me to get up and question her, I want to get up and question her, sadly that requires leaving my comfortable bed.

"Ugh, fine, what the hell do you want" I yelled from under my welcoming covers. Suddenly I got hit in the head, very harshly I might add. "Ow, what was that for" I asked peaking out from under my covers.

"Is that how you speak to the woman who gave birth to you, raised you, and supported you" my lovely mother said over dramatically near the entry to my old room.

"Ah, okaasan, I'm sorry, I thought you were Yuu-chan" I replied awkwardly. Ever since my latest breakup, three weeks ago, I've been staying at my parents place. I lived too close to the cheating ex of mine and decided to move.

"Your mom thinks you should do the competition too" Yuu-chan said from the door. "If you do it, you can go to Osaka for ideas" she said mischievously. Despite her serious demeanor at work she's secretly evil and out to make my life a scary ass roller coaster. I sighed and got up for the first time in three weeks. Looks like I'm going to Osaka.

-Time Skip-

I got off the plane and waited outside the airport. I've never been to Osaka but I'm pretty sure it's a large city with people, not a small island with no one for miles. I checked my plane ticket again.

"Goto" I read to myself. I knew getting out of bed was a bad idea. What am I supposed to do. I decided to try and call my folks.

"No service, great" I bitterly said. I should start looking for a phone.

*end flashback*

Right, a competition did this to me. I've been walking for fifteen minutes in this blazing heat. I decide to sit on the side of the road, there are no cars anyway. I rummage through my black leather carry on to find water.

I hear a car coming from down the road, suddenly all that energy came back. I rapidly waved my hand to get the drivers attention. The guy stopped next to me.

"Hi, um, do you know where I can find a phone" I asked him. He just smiled and didn't answer my question.

"Kyoumi Kotoishi" he asked.

"Yes..." I replied suspiciously.

"Kido Yuujirou" he introduced. "I'm the village leader, there's a phone in the convenience store. I'll give you a lift" he said, then got out to open the door for me.

He was a tall kinda chubby middle age man, I could trust him. But if he tried anything I can always beat him myself. I got in the small sliver car then we road off the way he came from. We stopped in front of a small store. It might lack the city life I'm used to, but it's a cute village.

I walked into the store, Yuujirou-san waiting outside. I saw a rotary phone in the back next to a young boy with glasses.

"Can I use the phone" I asked in my kindest, sweetest voice. He didn't really say anything, he just handed it to me. I've done a couple vintage magazine covers, so I've seen this kind of phone.

"You just...turn it, right" I asked him, embarrassed that I had to ask someone younger than me. He nodded.

"Do you want me to call for you" he offered, he didn't sound like he was making fun of me, more like pity. Either way he was right, I doubt I could work something that isn't touch screen. I gave him Yuzuki's number and he dialed it for me. After a ring she picked up.

"Moshi moshi" she answered.

"Yuu-chan, where am I. You said I was going to Osaka" I whined.

"Your dad wanted you to go to the Takatsuki Village. I want you to stop being depressed and get back to work. Your mom wants you to find a boyfriend, but I'm pretty sure that just means she wants you out of the house. See works for everyone" she said, as if though she planned this entire conversation beforehand.

"It doesn't work out for me, I'm in the middle of no where, and I don't have anywhere to stay. How long do I have to be here" I started complaining again.

"Don't worry, we contacted the village leader, he has a place for you to stay. You're gonna be there until you get over your losing streak, and submit something to me that will win the competition" she said. Before I could get a word in she hung up. Aren't childhood friends lovely.

I sighed then hung up the phone. "How much is it" I asked the glasses boy.

"10 yen" he said, extending his palm. I handed him the coin. "You're from the city right" he asked me.

"Is it that obvious" I asked. I must really stand out from these people.

"No one really dresses like you here, and we all know how to use a rotary...well except Sensei" he said. My clothes is a bit city-like. Long blue button down shirt, striped leggings, and wedge boots do seem different. New challenge, learn how to use a rotary and fit in.

I said thank you to the shop owner and the boy then walked outside. So that's how the village leader knew who I was, my parents called him before. He was sitting inside his car, smiling to himself.

"I'm sorry, did I make you wait long"
I asked, genuinely concerned. He just shook his head, and I got in. He drove me to what I assume is my new house. The moving truck was already there too, I guess my parents really wanted me out of the house.

"Here's the key" he said, "we'll come over later to help you unpack. I'll send Hiro over with food" he continued. I signed for my things and the movers left. Yuujirou-san started walking out then stopped and turned around. "And Kotoishi-chan, have some fun while you're here" with that he walked out.

I moved all the boxes inside and grabbed my camera. I climbed the large tree in my backyard. From up here I can see until the store, I focused my lens and took the picture. I wouldn't submit it to the competition, but it'll be a fun memory.

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