Yule Ball Pt. 1

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Yule Ball pt. 1
George Weasley x reader
First person p.o.v - Reader

     The Great Hall bustled with energy. All of the students were beaming with excitement about the upcoming yule ball, even some of the teachers seemed to be excited- but Hermione and I were sat at the Gryffindor table dreading the upcoming event. Her and I had shared the same issue... wanting a certain red headed boy to ask us to the yule ball.

    "He is so oblivious." She spat, full of disappointment and anger. I shared her feelings making me let out a heavy sigh trying to get the weight off my chest. "They both are" I murmured, staring at the empty space in front of me. But then I had realized something, "Didn't Krum ask you? You should just go with him."

           I could see the wheels turn in Hermoine's head as she thought my words through. "What about you though? I don't want you being all alone." She gave me a pout making me chuckle slightly. I opened my mouth slightly to give her a proper answer but before I could say a word,  the twins and Lee sat across from us.

    I could feel a pit in my stomach grow once the twins laid their eyes on me. "Hey, how are you lot?" Lee asked in his usual cheery tone, bringing my attention away from the twins' gaze. I could sense Mione's discomfort. "I think I am going to run to the common room real fast." Mione mumbled while getting out of her seat. I was going to protest, not really wanting to be left alone with the three of them, but I just let her go off.

    "What's her deal?" Fred asked, watching her as she left the hall. I shrugged my shoulders as I rested my cheek on my fist. I knew the answer, but it wasn't like they really did care. An awkward silence between the four of us filled the air until Lee spoke up once more, "Who are you going with to the Yule Ball, (Y/N)?"

    I bit the inside of my cheek not really wanting to tell them I had no date but it would seem rude if I said nothing. I kept quiet for a bit longer then thought of a proper response. "Well boys, I don't really think i'm going." After I spoke, my eyes darted down to my lap not really wanting to see how they'd reacted. Feeling the anxiety getting to me, I stood up from the bench and gave them all a small smile. "Excuse me." Once I spoke, I was on a mission to make a quick exit.

        Once I left the hall, I took a sharp turn to head to the library. I kept a calm pace until I heard a pair of footsteps rushing at me, making my heart race. I took a deep breath and spun around to face whoever was following me only to be face to face with a certain ginger. "Godric George! You scared me!" I hissed taking a few steps back.

        I could feel my heart pang against my chest, realizing how close he was. "Oh sh- Im sorry." He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck while looking away. "Why did you follow me?" I asked just trying to get to the point.

     "Oh right- what do you mean you aren't going?" He looked at me with a quirked brow, making me roll my eyes. "I have no one to go with. I don't want to make a fool out of myself by going alone. Now if you excuse me I need to head to the library." I turned on my heels once more and took a step to leave until George gripped my wrist rather tightly.

      "Why didn't you tell me that you didn't have anyone to go with?" He sounded a little hurt making me feel guilty, but then I could feel myself getting frustrated. If he really wanted to know he could have just asked me to the yule ball.

       I looked back to look at him to be met with a face full of concern. "You never asked me." I murmured, feeling such a mix of emotion. He stared blankly at me for a few until it seemed as if something connected in his brain.

      "I still don't have a date." He mumbled softly, his lips barely moving as he stared into my eyes. All my frustration began to melt away along with the pit in my stomach. It was now filled with thousands of fluttering butterflies. Heat rushed up to my cheeks, dusting my cheeks with pink. "Will you please go with me, (Y/N)?" He calmly asked, loosening his grip around my wrist, gliding it down to my hand. I hadn't realized how close he had gotten during the whole encounter.

      "I'd love to, Georgie."

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