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Do you remember when I told you that you remind me of an ocean?
You asked me why I explained
When I first met you, you were calm, clear, and beautiful
I wanted to swim in the ocean of your love
Your ocean was deep and I knew that if I swam deep
I knew I could never drown
I felt safe you watched over me
But something changed your waters became murky and turbulent with lies and secrets you held deep down under your ocean of love
You kept them down on the ocean floor locked up in a forbidden treasure
You guarded it with your lies when I would get to close to opening your treasure
You became angry with me
One day I took a quick dip in your waters
I thought I was safe I thought you were protecting me
So I swam as far as I could
Then I dove deep down to open your treasure
I wanted to know what was inside I just wanted to know why you kept it away from me
You got angry with me
I surfaced and your waves crashed and threatened to drown me
I kept fighting I kept swimming
But your love was blinded by your rage
I drowned and before you even realized it
I was gone
I had drowned you didn't save me
The saddest thing is you told me how much you loved me
You said you'll never hurt me
But I would rather be hurt than to die
You didn't hurt me, you killed me
And to this day I can never love the same again

Ocean of love, or notWhere stories live. Discover now