Chapter 1

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I zipped up my lacy maroon dress, glancing into the mirror as I did so. I wove my fingers through my h/c hair and examined my lean figure. The dress was tight and short, but just enough to make me feel confident and ready for the night ahead.

I guess I was taking too long, because Aria knocked on the loo door yelling, "are you okay in there y/n?", in her sweet voice.

Aria and I have been mates since year 7, and she's always been there for me!

I opened the door and jokingly did a sexy pose to show off the fit, while saying "how we feelin', babes?", she giggled and nudged me further into the bathroom so that she could touch up her makeup. She turned to me and attempted to fix my hair, causing me to sigh and slump over.

"Ari, my hair is fine!! Can we just get going? We are totally ready!", she pouted and said "oh, fuck off! I just wanted to make sure you look your absolute best! This is the first time you're meeting the rest of the lads anyways."

She was right, this was the first time I was meeting her extended friend group. Well, her boyfriend, James' friend group. I've met him a few times, and he's a great guy! He's probably one of my closest friends, other than Ari.

I sighed and responded, "Oh come on, I'm sure they're cool! It doesn't matter how I look, Let's just go have fun".

"Yeah, I guess you're right, but for the record you look stunni-" she was cut off by a message from James asking where she was.

"shit! Y/n, we are already late!" she groaned as she rushed out of the bathroom and slipped on her heels, and I followed shortly after her.

The Uber we ordered was fast, and soon enough we arrived in front of the flat where the party was being held.

As we walked in, James made eye contact with Aria, and came over just as quick as we arrived. He saw me and pulled me into a bear hug before giving Aria a kiss and wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"Hey! You guys look waayyy too sober, let me get you guys some drinks!!", James laughed, clearly a couple drinks in already. Aria looked at me, "I'm going with him! You'll be good by yourself, yah?" Aria waved bye and she ran off with James.

I didn't mind being alone, especially since I know most of the people here. I could recognize almost everyone's faces, since I've been in the YouTube crowd for so long. That's what posting makeup videos twice a week for 5 years gets me, I guess. I laugh it off as I continue scanning the crowd.

Across the room, I see a man with reddish brown hair and a strong Adam's Apple leaning up against the bar area with a drink in his hand. I don't think we've ever met, but he seemed familiar. I walked over to him, passing the crowd of drunk dancers so I could introduce myself.

"Hey, have we met before?" I asked him with a playful smirk.

He looked me up and down, "I think I'd remember if we did"

With a blush, I said, "well in that case, I'm y/n"

I felt a tug at my wrist, only to look over and see a slightly less sober Aria trying to pull me over to her and James.

"Come on!! James wanted you to meet someone!" She wasn't trying to be rude, just very excited, and I knew that.

I pulled her off for just a minute to ask the man his name "George" he smiled, not as joyful as before, but that could have just been me thinking about it too much.

"I'll catch you later!" I said as I was finally dragged off by Aria. I was really happy to talk to him, he seemed...sweet.

My attention was soon drawn off of George when I made eye contact with a skinny guy in a Gucci hoodie and curtain bangs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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