Chapter 8

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at lunch they all decided to meet at the 7-11 near to the school and get in a line of cars going to dreysons house. ainsley felt kind of embarrassed because she knew it was all for her. everyone else knew the way to dreysons house. she felt like a hassle, like they should just leave her behind. she even said that. “it’s not your fault you’ve never been to his house before.” eli had said. “yeah, if you already knew i would be simultaneously flattered and extremely terrified.” dreyson joked. they all laughed.

the assistant principal came up behind sam, who was wearing a bright blue beanie. ainsley, who was sitting across from him and the only one who noticed, started clearing her throat very loudly and shooting him looks. sam was confused for only an instant and took his beanie off. “hot in here, isn’t it?” he said casually to ainsley, winking at her. he wasn’t going to acknowledge mr. gnapoor. ainsley nodded vigorously, and took a big bite in her sandwich. if he wasn’t going to say anything, neither was she.

mr. gnapoor walked away with his arms crossed. as soon as he was out of earshot, sam and ainsley started laughing out of their minds. everyone started giving them looks. as soon as she could stop laughing, ainsley said to sam, “‘hot in here, isn’t it?’ that’s what you went with?” sam raised his hands in defeat. “it was the first thing i thought of!” ainsley clapped her hands sarcastically. “that, my friend, was great improv. you deserve an oscar.”

eli tapped ainsley’s shoulder. “may i ask what’s going on?” ainsley looked at him, then back to sam. “no, you may not.” then, of course, the bell rang too soon.

after school, ainsley drove to the 7-11 and saw multiple cars already in the small parking lot. ainsley recognized eli’s car when she saw it, and recognized anne in a bright green geo. ainsley got out of the car and walked over to eli who was closer. eli rolled down his window. “change of plan --  we decided in health that anne and i would lead you over, because it seemed silly to have everyone go over. and because i get lost and anne knows the way better than me. so, get back in your car and let’s roll.” he revved his engine.

ainsley got back in her car and waited for anne, then eli to leave the parking lot. she followed eli who followed anne to a small neighbourhood, then to a simple cookie cutter house. there were already plenty of cars in front of the lawn, and ainsley had to park somewhat far away. anne parked across the street.

eli walked in without knocking, then yelled his name. ainsley wasn’t sure what to do. “that’s how we can tell who came in. say your name.” so ainsley, feeling silly, yelled her name kind of quieter than eli did. “ainsley…?” andy’s voice drifted up from what sounded like the basement. “aye! we’re down here. where’s anne?” just then, anne walked in and yelled her name. ainsley chuckled.

they went down to the basement, which had little more than a few couches and a giant tv. everyone else was already there, and sam had his beanie back on. everyone said various forms of greeting, and ainsley sat between eli and anne. the netflix home screen was already pulled up, the ‘my list’ section filled with all the shows ainsley skipped over. “alright alright alright! let’s get this party started. ainsley, i hope you are planning to stay the night because we cannot finish this in just one day.” ainsley breathed out a sigh of relief. she didn’t want to be awkwardly led out later that night and have to go home. she’d told her parents not to expect her home for at least 24 hours, and she knew they would humiliate her if she showed up early.

dreyson pulled up the show ‘pretty little liars,’ and every episode was already watched. dreyson clicked episode one. and so began the hours and hours of the silliest television show ainsley had never known existed. but, against every cell in her body, ainsley started to enjoy it by the second season. andy, sam, and ron left halfway through season two, having already seen it multiple times and been on their phones texting each other the whole time. isaac left at the beginning of season three. by then it was far past midnight, and ainsley had started falling asleep. anne and eli had planned to stay the night as well.

anne was already asleep when dreyson clicked it off to resume in the morning. eli had moved over to give them both more room, but when ainsley woke up early the next morning, they were both leaning into each other. anne was already up, and reading a book in the lamplight. ainsley jumped up, and anne started laughing. she shot her a dirty look. “don’t tell me you got pictures!” she half whispered angrily. anne held up hers,  ainsley’s, and eli’s phones. “that lock screen camera is amazing.” ainsley had no idea what to say.

“how long had we been laying like that?” anne laughed. “oh, hours. it was actually pretty adorable.” ainsley knew she had makeup all over her face, and asked reluctantly where a bathroom was. anne led her there. her face was even worse than she thought --  her eyeliner was up to her hairline, and her mascara made her into a panda. ainsley wiped her face clean and was tempted walk out with a bare face. but of course, she chickened out, and put on mascara, but no eyeliner for once. she felt a little less moody.

eli was awake when she left the room, and anne winked. ainsley tried not to run across the room and strangle her. eli was smiling already, and ainsley hadn’t even woken up all the way. she needed her coffee.

eli looked up at her and grinned wider. “how did you sleep?” he asked pleasantly. “fine. do you know where i can get some coffee, or do i have to go to the mcdonalds down the road?” anne laughed. “i’ll get you a cup.” she jumped up and went upstairs. eli looked around suddenly. “where’s dreyson?” ainsley shrugged. she felt very morning after, and it was making her uncomfortable. eli walked off to some hallway, and it was silent for a minute, then ainsley heard a scream and a laugh. dreyson came running out of the hall, sopping wet and without a shirt on, and eli came staggering after him, laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe.

ainsley didn’t move. she didn’t expect to see dreyson without a shirt on, and she wondered how he got wet. dreyson looked at her, then back to eli. anne came back downstairs, and didn’t look up from the coffee cup until she was on level floor again. “ainsley i got you some coff--” she stopped dead when she looked up and saw dreyson. then set the cup down, and started dying laughing. ainsley finally gave in, and once she started laughing she couldn’t stop. they were all on the floor by the time dreyson found his voice. “shut up! oh my god eli i swear i will beat your ass…” he started walking toward him and eli was backing away into the wall. ainsley stood up and grabbed dreyson before he killed eli. she couldn’t help but notice his abs. and biceps.

eli finally calmed down and stood up. all of them were in their pajamas, and they all realized it at the moment. dreyson stomped off to his room, and eli followed him in. ainsley was finally able to drink her coffee. anne disappeared to the bathroom to get dressed, and ainsley was alone. she started looking around the room, and saw pictures of a little boy that  must be dreyson. there were 11 school pictures in a row, and he barely changed in each one. his dark blonde hair stayed the same, his brown eyes stayed the same, his smile stayed the same. there were fishing pictures, and family pictures. it made ainsley wish she could have that.

the boys came out of dreyson’s room, and dreyson had tried and failed to dry his hair, so it resembled a very short afro. anne remerged so that ainsley could change into a pierce the veil shirt with the same jeans as the day before. she sat down to see the loading screen of the first episode of season 4. dreyson looked at her excitedly. “are you ready??” she smiled and nodded, then sat back down between eli and anne, dreyson was on one of the other couches. they watched that whole season, only breaking for more coffee. when the final episode credits rolled, dreyson stood up and walked over to her.

“so?” he asked. she stood up too. “so?” she mimicked. “doesn’t eli look like ezra?” she laughed, thinking about the first day she met everyone and the question dreyson had asked. “yes, dreyson, i do think eli looks like ezra.” he put both hands on her shoulders and bowed low. “then my job here is done.” eli jumped up and announced to the room, “i’m starving.”

“i agree,” anne said importantly. “where do we go for lunch?” ainsley blurted out, “chipotle!” then slapped her hand over her mouth. eli looked at her like she told him they were going to disneyland. “yes!” he said loudly. they all laughed.

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