The City of Gold

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I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. My he'd was turned to my back and my leg was wedged into my chest and the wood of my bed. 'Moan', I grunted to myself. I was a twelve year old kid, short, but was really athletic. I would call myself sort of a nerd, I was smart, but when sports come so easy to me, I think of myself as an in between person. 

My life was a mess, no one really liked me, and I was an abused child, my parents were tall and kind of blunt. They both had hazel eyes, which was weird when mine were more of a blue.  

The only person who I really thought as a friend was a homeless man on the streets, his name was Benjamin, and he was an older man who loved to tell stories. Most of them about Christopher Columbus, and how he Really didn't find America, but how he found something else. He would tell so many stories, my favorite was about a man named Ferdinand Magellan, who supposedly was on a voyage to sail around the world, but he died before the voyage was complete. 

Benjamin told the story different though, his story was told more like this. so many stories, my favorite was about a man named Ferdinand Magellan, who supposedly was on a voyage to sail around the world, but he died before the voyage was complete. 

There was once a man who sailed across the world, his name was Ferdinand Magellan. He had a dream, a fullosify, and a wife as beautiful as Queen Elizabeth, he traveled the land in search of a key, a way to the new lands, a map, or a riddle. All of which would lead him to a place no one had ever seen, but only tales foretold it. It was called the city of gold. It was made by the Aztecs. When he finally found what he was looking for, he hid it, knowing that if he found it the devil would forsake him. The only thing he left behind was a ring which he took across the world and hid it.

I would see Benjamin as much as I could, when ever I could, which was every day. The one day I didn't go, he left, and on that small bench he left a note, saying- 

Good bye Joey, I am leaving on a trip, I leave behind a ring which was my dads, and his dad, and his dad, etc... I don't know what it says but it is very special to me so keep very good care of it for me. 



I took the ring off the bench, and put it on, a small tear rolled down my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2012 ⏰

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