Sky people

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97 years of peace. That all changes today. Sky people came today and are now trespassing on my land. See my people are the ones radiation effected. My friend Anya has the people who have "normal" lives. I'm am the leader because I have the "powers" of all the elements because of radiation. I watch as a girl steps off of the dropship. "WE'RE BACK BITCHES" she screams to the top of her voice. I couldn't help but smirk they seem happy. I continue to watch as everyone runs out of the drop ship. They are all cheering and laughing. I look around then my eyes land on a man. He is looking at the girl that got off the ship first. They look similar I wonder if that's his sister. I listen in on a girl and boy two trees from where I am. "They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain" the girl says. I jump into another tree farther away and jump to the ground. I run as fast as I can to my village. When I get there I yell "my people to the gathering place." Everyone goes to this amphitheater cut out of the ground. "My good people" I start "as most of you know a ship has fallen from the sky" everyone starts to whisper. "I know you are scared but we will not be forced to leave, I will go and talk to the leader of their group today" I look around and my eyes land on my second in command "Jake here will be in charge while I'm gone,my good people go to your homes sleep well I will see you very soon" I smile and gesture Jake to follow me into my hut. "While I'm gone watch over everyone NO ONE leaves this village, do I make myself clear" I say authority clear in my voice. "Yes ma'am" he answers. "Good now get home to your family" I smile. "Thank you" he smiles and leaves my hut. I walk back to the campsite and climb a tree. I watch as a group leaves. I decide I should follow them. I zone out their conversations. "Look" someone whisper-yells. My head snaps to a deer. I know the thing it suffers from. One of the boys step on a twig and it snaps alerting the deer people are near. I turns its head and shows the other head growing on the side. These kids have no idea what is really here on earth.

Girl on the ground///the100///ON HOLD***Where stories live. Discover now