The Fair~ Chapter 1

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"Virgilllll, wake up!!!!!!! The big fair is today!" Remus yelled in his younger brother's ear.

"five more minutes." Virgil pulled the blanket over his head and rolled over to face the wall.

"You're gonna miss breakfast!"

"Fuck breakfast, you know I don't get that hungry."

"Dee is gonna be mad, though."

There was a pause. And then Virgil was up. "Okay, fine. But just because I don't feel like getting yelled at this early in the morning."


They had gotten into the cafeteria and sat with their brothers.

"Where's Dee?" Virgil asked, realizing Devin wasn't sitting with them.

"I dunno. But are you guys excited for the big fair today? This could be our chance to finally get adopted!" Roman was really excited for the big fair.

"Don't get your hopes up, Ro. I doubt anyone would want six teenagers." Virgil pulled the hood of his sweatshirt up as he ate his breakfast.

"What's wrong with having six teens? I'm sure there's a family out there who wants us!" Patton exclaimed. Roman nodded.

"I think what Virgil means is that, first of all, we're teenagers. And teenagers are stereotyped to be rude and unlawful. And second, there's six of us. I highly doubt many families would want six of us, children or teenagers. Therefore, we have a significantly infinitesimal chance of being adopted, let alone given to yet another foster family." Logan explained, adjusting his glasses.

That made Patton and the twins upset.

"so..we might not get adopted..?" Patton started to tear up.

"Well we could get adopted, or we could not. Only time will tell."

The brothers ate in silence for a few minutes before Virgil spoke again, still picking at his food.

"Seriously, where is Dee?! I haven't seen him all morning."

The other four looked around, but had no luck seeing him.

"He may be off with Ms. Diane. But I dunno where he is." Patton shrugged.

The group decided that he was off doing god knows what and they got back to eating.

A few minutes later, Devin came in and pulled Logan and Patton aside, saying he needed to speak with them.

"I wonder what they're talking about." Remus was staring at the three older boys.

"It could be about us getting a family!" Roman exclaimed.
"Or something really really bad..." Virgil said quietly, tugging at the strings of the hoodie he always wore.

"Like I said before we shouldn't get our hopes up about getting adopted, but whatever."

Meanwhile with Devin, Logan and Patton...

"Okay. My birthday is in exactly six months. We all know the plan, right?"

"I kinda forgot..." Patton rubbed the back of his neck.

"That's alright. So when I officially turn 18, I'll find a stable job, get a house and then come back to get legal custody over the twins and Virge. And then you two, after about a week or two." Devin explained.

"Okay, okay. But are we going to tell-" "Nobody else is to know about this plan. Got it?"

"Okay Dee."

"Good. Now let's go finish eating."

After everyone had finished eating, they had walked over to the park, where the Big Fair of Adoption and Foster Care (sponsored by no one) was being held.

"I don't wanna be here." Virgil said, plopping down on a bench.

"Well too bad. Plus we can finally get adopted!!!" Roman exclaimed.
"Yeah, you guys can without me." Virgil muttered.

"Hey, no. If they wanna take one of us, they gotta take all of us. It's been our little rule since we first got put here."

"I know...but what if you guys all find families that you're happy with..? And you don't want to say no because this may be the only opportunity to see that family?"

"That won't happen, Virge. I would rather die than leave this place without my brothers!"

"Mhm, sureee."

"Drop the subject, guys. We aren't here to fight about leaving each other. Maybe you guys should go play some games? I need to go talk to one of the matrons." Devin said, walking away. Patton and Logan brought the twins to some of the games, leaving Virgil alone on the bench to play on his phone.

Then, a man came over and sat on the bench near Virgil.

Virgil pretended not to notice the man but it was hard. He looked over and the man smiled at him.

"Hi, I'm Thomas!"

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