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Name: Jace (last name is unknown)

Age: Appears 21 in human years, though is roughly half a century old in demon years.

Species: Demon

Personality: Is very shy and awkward, especially when talking about sexual things. Can sometimes be too frank to the point where it's obnoxious and is an open book. Generally is likeable, but he may come off as weird or strange at first. Not very good in social situations and, although it's a secret, he stutters and blushes around female's he finds attractive. Is physically sensitive and mentally slightly naive. He does his best to appear powerful and tries to intimidate mainly other male demons, but is overall weak. Though, if you do enough things to anger him, he'll go off like a bomb.

Likes: learning, music, animals, and overall anything.

Dislikes: Anything that gets on his bad side and annoying, desperate humans.

Extra: He asks lots of questions and appears somewhat unknowing of the world because he is still young.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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