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I miss seeing your handsome face.
The face that sent heat through my body.
I miss seeing your smile the one you wore every time I was with you.
I miss feeling your strong arms wrapped around my puny body.
Soothing me in my times of pain and despair
I miss the sound of your voice whispering into my ear that you love me.
I miss the feeling of having you next to me in our bed.
Now all that's left are the fading smells of you and lasting memories of our games in bed.
We met in High School.
I was the shy quiet girl and you were the popular jock.
Your friends didn't like the idea of us two being together but you ignored them.
Your arms were firm and secure around my heart.
No one could break the bond between you and me.
I will never forget the day you asked me to marry you which I answered immediately with a yes!
You told me that you could love me forever.
Your love was brighter than fire and lasting longer than one.
Our love produced two beautiful children, Amy and Alex.
So here I am with Amy in my arms and Alex holding my hand,
We stand together by your grave .
We don't cry.
We don't.
There is nothing to cry for.
You gave me enough happiness I don't need to replace it with sorrow.
We will remember you with love and joy.
The only tears managing to race down my cheeks are of joy and though I do miss you,
Miss you more than anything,
I know you died saving my life.
You took a bullet for me and you did it because you loved me.
I'll never forget you as long as I live.
Because I could never forget the man who stole my heart and saved my life.
I love you.
We love you.

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