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Previously on The Bangtan High~

You felt your heart sinking deep into your chest as you tried to process the poisoned words that peirced through your heart...


Right now you were sitting on your study table, trying to process the sudden behaviour of Jimin. You would lie if you say you weren't hurt. You were, but right now you were concerned about the reason behind the attitude.

The teachers are great here. They have a amazing bonding between them, sometimes I feel like they are siblings but I don't know how they are related..
~ Rosé♡

But I know how they are related..you thought to yourself as you mindlessly looked at the diary opened in front of you. All of them have gone through so much.. I can never imagine.. they deserve to be treated better.. you thought as you closed the book and your eyes fell on your phone. The constant texts lit up your phone screen from the unknown number. Now the constant stalking and hate message doesn't bother you any more.. you have been habituated to it..

No one can run from their problems for long, you have to face it one day or the other. So why not today?? Namjoon's words echoed through your head, you remembered how comfortable his company felt. A faint smile crept up your face.

Sometimes your problems are bigger than your capacity to overcome it. In that case all you can do is either run away from it or try to face it and end up getting crushed by it... You thought as you took out your assignment.

Your eyes trailed back to the Diary...
This is the key to all the problems, I will keep it back were I found it and all of the problems will be gone. I will live like any other random student, not coming into anyone's attention.. it's okay if I don't become a potential, I never wanted to be one anyways..
Things will end here and I will start a new life..

You were determined and thought that the first thing that you will do tommorow will return it back. You took out your phone and messaged the unknown number..

I will stay away from
them, so stop messaging
me now, also if you can
do anything about changing
my room then please do it.
20:30pm (seen)

You sighed and  quickly did your home work, then went outside the room. Jimin was still working with the papers, you kept your assignment on the table, he looked up but you didn't make an eye contact and went inside the room.

Jimin was going through your assignment checking it when he found a note.. his eyeballs moved carefully left to right with every line..

I am really sorry for missing your class, it was completely unintentional.
I have done extra homework along with the class assignment for today. You can deduct marks from my internal assignment if you want.
Also something I was trying to tell you, I want the guilt off my chest, actually that day, I didn't cut my hand by mistake, I purposely did it. Don't ask why, the next day, afraid that I will do it again, I threw all the blades and razors, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to throw them but I was very panicked.
So you might or might not have to buy those again if you need.
I hope Mr. Park will forgive me.
Your sincere student
Kim Arianna.

P.S:- I am looking for the procedures to change rooms, you won't have to keep up with me for long..

He froze at the last sentence. His hands trembled as he went through the letter again and again, not believing his own damned eyes. A pit formed in his stomach as he got up and opened the door to the bedroom.
He led out a sigh of relief seeing you fast asleep on the study desk. He switched off the desk lamp and went outside.

A new day arrived with bright sun rays embracing it. You wake up on your desk and realised that it was very early in the morning and Jimin was still fast asleep, may be he worked till late last night. A sad emotion built up your chest but you sighed it out.

You were going to start life as a completely different person now. First you tried smiling bright, after two or three goes you realised that it felt too fake, all of this. You shrugged off your thought and tried to smile again, then remembered that you were supposed to keep the diary back in the library.
Must do it before it's too late.

You got up and changed into a pair of ripped jeans, tank top and casually threw a shirt over it. Who cares how I look.. you thought to yourself as you pulled up your hair in a ponytail.

You weren't hungery, you rarely were, appetite was a occasional coustomer at your shop. But since you are going to change your behavior, you thought why not to leave some breakfast for Jimin before you go. He had done that for you a lot of times, it's besides the point that you never got an opportunity to eat it, but again, who cares.

The pancakes were almost plated properly when you heard a voice, "What are you doing??" You quickly turned around to find a specific Jimin standing half awake in the hallway.
Come on Arianna, you can do this...
You self cheered..

"Good morning, Mr. Park" you tried sounding cheerful, and smile bright like you had practiced earlier. "You are awake, I see..." You looked at him.
"...well not fully awake, but still, I made breakfast" you said keeping the plate on the table. "Where is mine??" He asked, looking at the plate, "What?? Oh I see.. well this is yours" you stopped smiling by this time because you thought you were looking to fake.

"You??" He asked, "Me?? No I am fine.. you can have this if you want or don't, thats on you. Since I will be shifting out in  few days, so theses are my last few days in this room as your roommate, so I wanted to do something good, I am not leaving this room with a bad impression you know..." You giggled at your own rant but Jimin said nothing, he just looked at you with a expression less face.

You led out a akward giggled, "I talk to much, don't I??" You tried to lighten the tension, Jimin didn't led out a word in response. "I will take that as a yes" you said with a smile and picked up your bag and phone, "I will take my leave then, have a nice day Mr. Park"
You said before you closed the door behind you.

Before I visit the library, I gotta find out who was the one texting me. As far as I think it should be Shelly, that is one bitch that hates me. But how do I do it.... You thought to yourself as you walked in the almost empty hallway to your locker.

You were walking mindlessly, lost in your trance of thoughts until you bumped into someone.

So recently I had a very bad experience with Wattpad, if you have seen the recent announcement that I made, you would know what I am talking about. Well that incident made me think that if I should go hitaus for sometime.

But then I remembered all of you guys who love and support me so much so I just can't leave you guys like this. Anyways I just pray that something like this doesn't happen again in the future, even tho it might not be a very big deal to some of you but I am very new to all these and the incident creeped me out a bit.

Anyways, school has been a bitch as usual, exams are fucking up my life even more, so the updates will a bit less like maybe once or twice a week only.

But I promise that after exams, I will do double updates because, you guys are awesome. (〃゚3゚〃)

Stay tuned..

~Author Nim.

P.S:- Vote or else I am going drag you with me to the mental asylum.
Make the comment section lit up too.. Love you all..

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