Wedding? What wedding?

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You have always wanted to see mewni, but with your mother mariposa L/N. Instead you've been kidnapped by a creepy lizard in a suit who calls himself toffee. You remember the kidnapping like it was yesterday, presumably because it WAS yesterday. You and your parents were walking home from a movie when an unknown force (a.k.a toffee) attacked. He luckily just knocked out your parents but he still kidnapped you. Before you passed out from exhaustion trying to fight him, toffee whispered in your ear "sleep well Y/N I have big plans for you". Right now you are pacing around the room your held captive in. It seems nice but you are more interested in finding out what is going on. Ten minuets ago two monster maids came in and dressed you up despite your resistance. Then they told you to wait for them as they left the room. You once again look in the mirror and you still cannot recognise your reflection.

You look lovely but you are not happy at all

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You look lovely but you are not happy at all. You want to scream! You want to cry! You want to rip the dress you've been forced into and run and yet you keep your cool. You then hear a small voice. "Miss y/n!Miss y/n!" You turn around and smile ear to ear when you see who it is. It's lord ludo of house avarius! Lord ludo is a friend of you uncle and aunt, Marco and queen star butterfly. You've known him since you were a baby. "Ludo! Thank god! Do you know why this toffee guy kidnapped me?" "Well just take a look outside". You take a look outside and what you see shocks you to the core. It looks like a wedding is about to be held. Monsters are running around everywhere, making sure everything was going to plan. Then you saw HIM. Toffee was wearing a midnight blue suit and a baby blue tie. He was also standing at an altar with a monster priest. Then everything clicked together. This was toffee's wedding and you are the BRIDE! You then start panicking. "WHAT THE HELL! THIS IS NUTS! IM 13, IM TOO YOUNG FOR MARRIAGE!" "I know! that's why I'm hear to help you y/n. I've got some rope so we can climb down safely". Despite having a slight fear of heights, you quickly grab onto ludo's rope and begin climbing down with him. You have only climbed for a little bit, when someone begins pulling the rope upwards! It was bullfrog! You and ludo try to go lower but soon your face to face with bullfrog. He then grabs you by the arm and pulls you off the rope, then drops it..............with ludo still on it! You scream in horror as bullfrog pulls you away from the room you were held hostage in and all the way to the wedding venue. He then forcefully escorts you down the isle were a smiling toffee awaits you. You try pull away but it's no use as bullfrog has a very strong grip. When you get to the alter, a kappa bridesmaid pulls a knife from her bag, only for a single glare from toffee to cause her to put it back. She does however shoot you a look that screams "if you say no I'll kill you". The priest then begins. "Toffee do you take this young maiden to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Toffee looks at you with evil lovesick eyes and responds with a simple "I do". The priest then turns to you and asks you the same question. Of course you know that you have to answer for yourself and yet if you say no, you might be killed. So you do the next best thing.........stay silent. The priest then asks you the question again  but this time you feel your lips moving. You look up and see that toffee is doing some magic. Despite your best efforts toffee's magic is to strong and you unwillingly say "I d-do". The priest then closes his book and gives toffee a ring. Toffee then forcefully grabs your hand and almost slides the ring on, only for two voices to scream "THIS WEDDING WILL NOT TAKE PLACE". You turn around and smile as you see ludo and an unknown septarian monster running toward you. While toffee is distracted you give the ring back to him and scream "ludo! I'm over here! Hurry up and save me!" Toffee then grabs you by the arm and tries to slide the ring on again, only for the unknown septarian to tackle him to the ground. Then he takes your hand and you begin to run down a nearby hill, fighting of any monster in his way. That's when both heels on your shoes break and you trip up. You try to walk but it's very hard to walk in shoes with broken heels. The septarian then picks you up bridal style and once again begins running. You smile at him. He smiles back. It is not long before ludo catches up, puffing and panting. "Did you get y/n away from that monster, rasticore?" "Yes lord ludo. Y/n broke the heels on her shoes so that is why I'm carrying her". "Good lad rasticore! Now let's get to the woods. We'll be more likely to lose toffee's wedding guests in there". "Ok whatever you say". You then smile at rasticore which only translates to "thank you for ruining my wedding".

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