The Dungeon

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Iodireth awoke to a sound from below her. Griding stones and rushing air. While she had no idea what it meant, the timing of the sound had another feel of magic to her. Why the magic in the tower waited for her to wake up before activating, made no sense to her but seemed ominous.

The barracks were empty when she arrived at the bottom of the chamber. The coals from her fire earlier were still warm, and a strange cool wind wafted from the other side of the castle. With a pang Iodireth realized she was hungry and ate all of her berries from her first tour of the island. 

Looking up she noticed a pigeon sleeping in the rafters. After her attempt at an illusion spell failed, she took careful aim with one of her heavy iron nails, thinking it would be the least important thing to loose. This decision probably was a good thing, since she missed the bird and lost the nail.

Giving up on her deams of squab, Iodireth wandered into the southern end of the small fort until she found the source of the sound. Where there was once only a stone floor, a steep dark staircase descended into the bowls of the castle. 

Before her sat a large featureless stone chamber. A depression in the middle of the floor appeared to be filled with shallow water and the accumulated debris of decades or centuries of disuse. It was a demon. Though Iodireth had never seen one she felt certain of this fact the way she was certain fire was hot. It was a bipedal, winged, vulture-like being standing before a passageway. While it had not made any motion towards her, it appeared to be gaurding the passage. It's face had a fixed, greedy air about it.  Across from the chamber, a shadowy figure stood eerily still next to a passage way. Another passage appeared to lead off to Iodireth's right.

Iodireth becan to creep towards the right side of the chamber and the presumed safety of the other doorway. She was a few feet from the archway when the creature's head snapped in her direction and she found herself staring into the reddish, avarice filled eyes of the creature. 

As the creature unfurled it's dark wings Iodireth grabbed he heavy iron lock from the pocket of her dress and hurned it at the demon. The nugget of rusted iron miraculously impacted the mosnter's face with a dull crunshing thud. The demon screeched and came to a halt, knee deep in the fetid water, but did not appear to be much more than stunned.  

This gave the girl some time to plan. Not enough time to escape, but at least enough to forumate her next move. She carefully side stepped into the neareast archway and found a hallway extending deeper into the island's subsurface. Focuring has hard as possible on what she wanted, Iodireth casted another simple illusion. The wall before her appeared clear as glass and the newly recovered demon slammed into it in it attempt to reach her. Unforunately Iodireth, could see that the demon wasn't too badly hurt before her spell flickered and the wall became solid once more.

Fortunately, iodireth was no longer in the demon's line-of-sight. Once she held still it became clear to her that the demon was not persuring her. Thinking back to the greedy experssion on the monster's face, Iodireth had the distinct impression that this monster was less interested in her, than it was in guarding the second archway.

After a few seconds of silence from the demon, Iodireth continued down the passageway. When the close walls of the hallway opened into a new chamber, she found herself in small square chamber. A pair of low, unadorned, sarcophagi sat upon the stone floor at regular intervals. What appeared to be a small altar squatted, in a way that felt strangely predator-like, at the far end of the room.

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