Syo Kurusu x reader

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Syo Kurusu x reader

Guys this is my first one shot from an anime so I'm sorry if Syo kun doesn't really seem like himself. I tried my best so this is how it turned out....

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that's ALL I WANTED TO SAY ^_^


It's a normal, bright and sunny day like any other. You're writing your next song for Starish in the music room like usual until Syo kun walks in. He's a really cute blonde haired guy who you will always see wearing a hat. Compared to the rest of Starish, he's a midget so everyone makes fun of him. Especially you and Natsuki kun. It's really fun because you two always chase him everywhere and he tries his best to run away or hide from both of you. Your annoyed right now because he interrupted your moment of inspiration and you had a good tune in your head but now you forgot it.

"Umm... do you need something?" you ask him in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you but you seemed like you were focusing really hard on that new song your writing. I can't wait to see it! I was just really worried so I came to check on you... and if you need anything, feel free to tell me! I'm always gonna be there for you!" Syo kun replies back.

"Haha! This seems so much like an indirect love confession! Hey hey, Syo kun, do you have anyone you love? Anyone who is extremely special to you?" you ask him.

"Huh...! W-wa-wait! Why do you want to know something like that all of a sudden!? You always ask such random questions and your turning into a weirdo again!" he shouts as his whole face turns beaming red.

"Huh? Your blushing! You do like someone dont you? Who is it? Who is it? Tell me!" You keep on saying until he shouts at you again and says "I-I-I can't do that! Not yet... It's a secret! B-be quite!"

"n-o-p-e! Not until you tell me!" You keep on repeating.

"Geez... I guess I really can't shut you up can I? Fine, I promise I'll tell you after Starish perform your new song! Hey, I hope you add a lot of love to it. I want to sing the songs you make because they're more special than any other songs. Yours make me feel like a bright star, shining brighter than the rest and I can just feel that everyone enjoys your songs and that it makes them happy. Umm... and errr... yeah I'll see you later. I need to go now, bye! Don't work yourself too hard and do your best!" Syo kun says before he leaves.

You giggle a bit and then get back to work. Now that you've had a little break, your mind is working properly again and your in deep concentration again. Once you finish writing your song, you take a deep breathe and then walk out of the music room, looking for Syo kun but instead, you bump into Tsukimiya sensei.

"Where are you in such a hurry today?" He asks you.

"Oh, Tsukimiya sensei! I wrote a new song for Starish. Could you please check it?" you ask him.

He checks it and has a surprised look on his face as he says "This song is amazing! It's got a lot of excitement in it and it totally suits Starish. Well done!"

You then thank him and quickly leave before he can reply back to you. Soon enough you find Syo kun and everyone else gathered in the music room and give them their music sheets.

"Wow, this is amazing!" everyone says in unison and you start feeling really happy.

A few days later, they sing the song live on stage and there are a lot of fangirls that are fangirling over the good looking guys singing. A day later you are in the music room again and you wait for Syo kun to come. He's finally going to tell you who he's in love with. For some reason your more excited about this than you should be, thinking about the possibility that he might love you. Soon enough he enters the music room and sits down next to you.

"So, are you going to tell me or not?" you ask him.

"I will I will! Just give me some time to think about how to say this..." he says quietly to you.

You stare at him intensely and wait for him to keep talking.

"(name)..." he says.

"Y-yes?" you ask. You feel very nervous because he's never called you by your first name before.

"I-I love... you. When I sing your songs, it makes me feel special. It feels like you make them only for me. Your songs always make me feel energized. They make me feel like myself. I need to sing your songs. Please let me sing them forever!" Syo kun says  as his face starts blushing fifty shades of red and his hat is covering his eyes. I start blushing as well but not as much as him.

I feel overjoyed hearing him say that he loves me because to tell the truth, I love him as well.

"Yes! You can sing my songs! To tell the truth... I liked you ever since the start but I was to scared to tell you, because if I did and you rejected me then we probably wouldn't have been friends anymore... and I didn't want that to happen! Your an amazing, kind and talkative guy and I really appreciate that about you!" You say to Syo kun.

He stares at you wide eyed for a few seconds but then gives you a light smile and says "Dont worry, I love you and that's all that matters."

A few days later everyone suddenly finds out that you two are going out together. "Oh well, I guess this gossip's going to last for quite a while..." you and Syo kun say in unison.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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