Chapter One: Are We There Yet?

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This takes place after book 9 when the barrier has been lifted(btw I'm bad at titles and descriptions sorry)
EDIT: I'm going back and fixing some mistakes after abandoning this story for ......two years.... oops.
also the chapter title has been changed from
-Chapter 1 The Ride There-    to    Chapter One: Are We There Yet? also the title of the story has been changed to The Grimms Go to Florida

"Hey Brina," Uncle Jake said, walking into my room and locking arms with Briar, "ready to go?"
"Sure thing," I replied, packing the last of my things in my olive green duffle bag.
     Uncle Jake carried the bag to the van Granny rented to fit everyone comfortably for the long trip to  the NYC Airport where mom and dad would trade the van for a car they would use to find an apartment for themselves, me, and Daphne. 
     Granny was driving with Mr. Canis next to her and Red behind him.  Daphne of course was sitting right next to her and finally Puck and I were in the last row.
     Puck and I weren't exactly keen on this arrangement but neither of us wanted to have to sit between Red and Daphne for more than an hour.  Puck sat listening to music and playing some weird first person shooter game on his new cell while I sat quietly reading.  I truly hoped he wouldn't bother me for at least an hour so I could get some studying done but of course that's impossible to do with someone with the attention span of a gold fish.  He kept pestering me and asking no one on particular if we were there yet.  Which to say the least got annoying after the first 10 minutes.
Once we got to the airport, security was a mess. Puck had attempted to smuggle a gallon of his glob, which Granny obviously him leave behind. Puck was not too happy about that. Granny was forced to leave behind most of her ingredients for her 'meals'. Simply said they were both in a pretty sour mood after that.
When we finally got into the plane Puck and I were forced to sit together since Granny, Canis, Red and Daphne had already paired up.
The plane ride was quite worse than the drive.  Puck had ate nine bags of peanuts and drunken five cans of coke unawares to Granny until it was too late. When he went to the bathroom for thirty minutes I should have known something was up. He poured a concoction of V8 tomatoe juice, sticky coke, and mashed peanuts on me 45 minutes before the plane was scheduled to land forcing me to take a sponge bath in the tiny disgusting bathroom, which the other passengers who needed the bathroom were not happy about, and change into my long sweater that went down to my knees and that's it, Nothing else. Fairy boy's gonna pay. 
We took a cab to our hotel on the beach, The Grand Polwe Hotel.  The lobby was filled with people  in floral shirts like you see in movies and a table littered with brochures for various places to visit.  There was even one for Disney World which was close to three hours from where we are staying. After admiring the lobby for a few seconds Granny took us all over the the reception desk to check in. 
     "Welcome to Florida and enjoy your stay."

Ok so I hope you guys liked that there are more chapters to come comment any ideas you have and I'll see what I can do

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