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"Hey captain." You chirped as you walked into his office.

"Hello Y/N." Fuegoleon smiled, "You don't have to call me captain, you know that."

"Geez look at all this paperwork, do you even get the chance to sleep?" You asked, changing the subject.

"Being a captain come with a lot of responsibilities. I cannot disappoint the Wizard King." Fuegoleon sighed as he finished signing the last page, "What brings you here? You rarely stop by anymore, my friend."

"I knowww, I've just been busy helping the Black Bulls a lot these days." You replied, as you walked over to the window.

"Be more specific, Y/N. Busy on missions or busy sitting around?" Fuegoleon asked with a smirk.

You chuckled. "Busy on missions! And I have been training a lot too." You said as you turned and seated yourself in front of the captain, "Now, I am here to help you out, with all of this." You gestured toward the stack of paperwork on the captain's desk.

"Very well then. You can take half of it." Fuegloeon said has he handed you a thick stack of papers, "Would you like anything to eat or drink?"

"No thanks." You replied, taking the papers from his hand.

You sat at the empty desk next to Fuegoleon and started to work.

You were a 25 year old woman with a mysterious magic power. Your grimoire was unusual, like the Wizard King's. It was a scroll. Your power was strange in a way that sometimes you would have magic and sometimes you didn't. Your magic varied all the time. You could go from having fire magic like Fuegoleon to spatial magic like Finral to nothing at all. MOST of the time you would manifest magic in battles. But how did you know if you had magic? Easy. You just had the gut feeling. Strange, but true. The only people who knew about your situation were the captains, some of their squad members, and the Wizard King. You trained mostly on your physical fitness, as fighting in a close range combat benefited you more when you didn't have magic. In all, you were a vulnerable lass, but you didn't let that get in your way of anything.

It had been an hour since you started working when your stomach growled loudly. You froze mid writing and slowly turned your head towards Fuegoleon. The captain stared at you for a couple of seconds before you both started laughing.

"Let us take a break and go to the dining hall. I am a bit hungry myself too." Fuegoleon said as he got up from his seat and stretched.

"Does the dining hall have any samosas?" You asked as you stretched and cracked your knuckles.

"No, but I could have requested it if I knew you were coming." Fuegoleon said as he opened the door for you.

"Sorry, I didn't know I was coming here today. It was a last minute order from Julius." You said as you walked past the captain.

"No worries. We do have tandoori chicken, if you like that." Fuegoleon said, "Oh I apologize, I forgot that you are vegetarian."

"It's all good, we'll just see when we get there." You said with a smile.

You two entered the nearly empty dining hall that smelled amazing, which made your stomach grumble even more.

"Where is everyone?" You asked taking a seat, "and I haven't seen Mereoleona or Leopold."

"Everyone is either in training or on a mission, including my siblings." Fuegoleon replied as he took his seat across from you.

The chef came out from the kitchen and asked for your order. After ordering, you and Fuegoleon resumed talking.

"So who are you going to next?" Fuegoleon asked, resting his chin on his crossed fingers.

"I'm not sure. My guess would be either William or Rill. It's been a while since I have helped them out." You said, "I just don't want to be placed to work with Jack! He always wants to fight me. And he never lets me do the work I am supposed to be doing! Plus, he's constantly picking on me, saying that I'm short. 170cm IS NOT SHORT!"

"You seem to never catch a break." Fuegoleon chuckled at your whining.

"It's alright. I have my days off here and there. Nothing stressful compared to your work." You smiled up at the captain.

You weren't a magic knight in a specific squad. You were an assistant working directly for Julius. His orders were to check in with the squads he assigned you to. You were to help the captains with anything they needed, whether it was assisting them with missions or doing paperwork.

You two chatted more before your food arrived.

"This looks so good! I haven't had yakisoba in a while." You beamed before digging in.

"Careful, it's really hot." Fuegoleon warned before eating his pho.

You dismissed his warning and kept eating. You already burned mouth multiple times in the past from eating scorching hot food, so you were used to it.

"What am I going to do with this girl." Fuegoleon thought, shaking his head. To the captain, you were his dear friend. He knew some things about you and wished to see you more often, but work always got in the way. You were one of the strongest women he knew, but knowing about your magic, he was protective.

How you two met was like how you met all the other captains. You were introduced by Julius as his assistant like Marx. It started when you caught the Wizard King's eye during a battle outside the Clover Kingdom. After the battle, Julius tended to your wounds, seeing that you were badly injured. That is when he learned about your magic and realized that you were somewhat in control of your magic. He offered you a position as his assistant, which you graciously took. Julius was in awe when he studied your magic. To this day, the Wizard King himself still does not understand your magic.

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