Fictional girls I relate to the most

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Noemi Vidal from Defy the Stars
Why: I too have a thing for ridiculously hot blonde British android boys.

Blue from Newsprints by Ru Xu
Why: I would die to be a Newsie and have an Android for my best friend. Also I'm genderfluid and would love to be able to pass for a guy.

Jess Adams from Usborne's Sandy Lane Stables
Why: when I was a sophomore, I was pretty much a carbon copy of her. I was a socially awkward dork, had my head in the clouds half the time, thought horses were better than school (and still do), and had a crush on the most popular guy in school that I was terrible at hiding. Plus I did a lot of stupid things in front of my crush. And any time he gave me any sort of attention I flipped out internally.

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