Prologue: Wish upon a Seeing Star

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   In the deep space of the Tetris universe, the Starship Tetra was having another normal day. It was reaching its destinations as intended, with no turbulence or errors. Everything was going perfectly fine for the Tetra Crew. It was... peaceful. Some would say a bit boring, perhaps.

   At the front of the ship was Tee, peering out into the vastness of space. While he had seen it for all of his life, he was still greatly fascinated by all the wonders the vacuum had. He sighed, content by the ship's wellbeing. He faced his trusty pet, O, and prompted him to write up about the day. "Status report, O," he commanded. O responded with a confirmed "Pii!"

   "Once more, the Starship Tetra is performing at 100%. No damage whatsoever, and gravitational forces have not been unpredictable. Everything is working as intended. Nothing special to report. (Whisper) I'll be here for a casual battle at 9 PM, okay?"

   Tee ended the report, which O quickly sent to the keeper of dimensions, Ex. Tee lied back in his chair, thinking about the day. He was at ease, but also somewhat bored. It's been weeks since anything real special happened, and even that wasn't a tenth as exciting as the adventure they had back in 2014. He was glad that the Tetra is flying without a problem, but he wanted something more interesting to go on. Just then, almost as if he jinxed it and started an entire story based on his previous adventure, his second-in-charge Ess called him over.

   "Captain, captain!" she yelled, "You need to see this! Right now!" Tee was surprised. What could be so exciting that Ess would be interested in it? He quickly headed over to the starport from where she called, and looked to see what she was pointing at. "Isn't it beautiful, Tee?" she sighed, pointing at the shooting star in the distance. Shooting stars were an uncommon occurrence for the Tetra Crew. It's been two months and 4 days since they had last seen one. "C'mon, Ess," Tee chuckled, "What's so exciting about a little ol' shooting star? We've seen a lot of em!" Ess cried, "You don't understand, Tee! You can send them wishes, and they can be granted!"

   Tee was confused. He's heard of this theory, but he doesn't believe it. But, just to keep Ess happy, he called over the rest of the crew. "Everyone! Come here!" he called, "It's a shooting star!" Just like that, the rest of the crew had arrived. Ai, Zed, Jay, and Elle. They all gazed upon the star in awe. "Woah, Jay!" Elle said, "They found one! A real one!" Tee nodded, "Now everyone. Make a wish!" All of them thought about their wishes. Elle asked her brother, Jay, "What did you wish for, bro?" Jay faced her, stating "C'mon, Elle! You know if you tell everyone your wish, it won't come true!"

   "But Jaaaay! I'm curious!!!"

   "You'll just have to wait to see!"

   The twins bickered a bit, but Tee thought his wish to himself. "My wish..." the told himself, "Is that one day, I'll be able to meet my friends back in Primp and Suzuran once more..." He sighed, knowing that it most likely won't happen ever again. Not without another universe-ending catastrophe, of course. And with Ex focusing on his work once more thanks to their frequent visits, a dimensional merge isn't likely to occur. While he dwelled on it, Ess signalled "Look, guys, look! It's growing! I think one of our wishes came true!!!"

   They all watched the shooting star. It was bigger than it was at first. "I wonder who was the lucky ducky for this one, hmm?" Ai pondered. But strangely, the star kept getting bigger. And bigger. And even bigger. "Oh! Perhaps all our wishes came true!" But something was wrong. It just kept growing, far more than any shooting star was supposed to. "Is... is this normal?" worried Tee.

   But very quickly, they realized it wasn't growing; it was heading for them.

   Tee freaked out. He quickly ran back to the pilot station to steer the starship away from the star. That's when he heard an explosion. Jay and Elle were screaming. Ai was on the ground, whimpering up a storm. Zed was holding Ess tightly as she was on the verge of tears. Tee looked back to find out that the shooting star had turned into a rift in space. He shouted into the intercom, "Warning! This is not a drill! We are being sucked into a rift in space! Please brace for impact in five, four, thr-"


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