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21 1 0

- kokichis POV -

I wake up to a warmth on my arm.
it was weird because that was the only warm
part on my body the moment-
I started to look at my surroundings.
there was my opened computer, and candy wrapper all over my bed.
I look down to see saihara, I feel my face heat up

I'm sleeping with my crush- oh my god

I want to move my arm but I don't at the same time.

do I move my arm??

no that'll wake him up, he looks to peaceful.

but what if-

oh my god he's opening his eyes

- saiharas POV -

I open my eyes as a blinding light flashes me.
I squint my eyes as I look up
there's purple-
wait a damn minute

is kokichi in my bed

I sit up quickly



"is this my dorm?"

"no it's mine shuichi"

my brain stopped for a moment

    ((sorry this is short- anyway are u having a good day? ))

164 words

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