Begining of Forever

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"Renesmee Cullen, do you take Jacob Black to be your husband" I looked into his eyes and he smiled at me, "I d-" suddenly everyone went into panic. "Jacob? Jake!" I was looking all over the place for him and then I saw them, the Volturi had Jacob and he was dead.

"Ness!" I jumped at the sound of my nickname, "Renesmee?" I got up. "Yes?" my mom came up "get ready honey, we're leaving" I nodded and got ready, when I was done I ran down the stairs. "Good morning everyone!" I kissed my dad on the cheek "ready to go back?" I nodded, "okay then lets go!" all of us got in three different cars. I got in the backseat and fell asleep, I tried not to think about the dream I had that morning. When I woke up we were just pulling up in front of the house, "I can't believe I slept for three hours" my mom laughed you deserve it hun, you never fully sleep" I sighed.

I opened the door to the car and stepped out "Nessie!" I looked up and smiled, "Jacob!" I ran and jumped up into his arms. "I missed you so much!" I whispered into his ear " so did I ness" I smiled and he set me down, "Hello Jacob" my dad shook his hand. My mother also went up to him but she hugged him, soon my whole family was greeting him. "Lets go inside!" my grandfather opened the door to the old Cullen home, I ran in and I smiled.

"I think somebody missed this place" my grandmother Esme commented, "Yes! So many memories here!" she smiled."Bella, help me with the cooking!" I sighed " I'm not really hungry" I told her "well for later then" I smiled, "thank you grandma" I gave her a kiss on the cheek. I ran up to my dad's old room "Jake, what are you doing here?" he smiled, "I just thought I would hang out here" I smiled and laughed.

"In my dad's old room?" he laughed too "I just missed you Ness" I nodded "me too" he hugged me again, it made my stomach feel like elephants were stomping around in there. "Renesmee!" my aunt Alice called from down stairs "I better go" I pulled away and ran down, "yes?" she smiled "may I speak with you" I nodded.

She lead me outside "is everything okay?' I was getting worried, "everything's fine, I just wanted to talk about Jacob" I blushed. "I see the way you look at him, your feelings are changing" I blushed an even deeper red "you didn't tell anyone, did you?" she must have seen how worried I was because she responded with "No, I did not" I sighed in relief.

"Thank you aunt Alice, I think I need to get used to this feeling before I tell anyone else" she smiled "I'm sure you will, you always do Renesmee" I gave her a hug before going back in, "Renesmee!" I fell backwards on the floor. "Ness are you okay?" I nodded and got up, I looked out the window and saw my uncle Jasper run off.

He was chasing a hooded figure, I ran off after him ignoring all the yells from my family. "Uncle Jasper!" as I was running I was knocked down and hit my head on a rock, the last thing I saw was red eyes and fangs.


"Is she okay Edward?" I woke up to a lot of whispering "she's waking up" I tried to get up but I was pushed back down, "you shouldn't get up right now" I was so confused "what happened?" I asked. "You were attacked" I remember now "by who?" they pointed to a chair, with a young boy tied to it.

"Who is he?" they shrugged "no idea" I looked back at the chair, where Jacob and Emmett were standing guard. "He's one of us isn't he?" my grandpa Carlisle nodded, "what did he want?" I was very curious "he's a newborn, he's thirsty" I nodded. "We should kill him now! While he's helpless!" Jacob was furious "you know we can't do that" Carlisle responded, "he tried to kill Renesmee" I sighed.

"How did you even tie him up?" I tried to change the subject, "it took all of us but we managed to get him" I couldn't stop looking at him. "So should we kill him now?" I got a better look at his face and I gasped "NO!" I got up and ran to him, "he's my friend!" I recognized him now it was Levi, my friend from Seattle.

"You don't know him Renesmee" I had tears rolling down my face "Yes I do, his name is Levi Scott, and he's my friend" all of them were shocked, "are you sure?" I nodded "yes, I'd know him anywhere" I continued to cry. "Renesmee, he is dangerous" my mom was pulling me away, "I don't care! He's my friend, and I will not let you kill him!" I looked back at his pale face.

"I promise you Renesmee, we will not kill him" Carlisle promised "how did this happen?" I whispered, Carlisle came over and hugged me "I'll find out sweetie, I promise" hopefully he can keep his promises. Suddenly a lot of movement came from him "Levi" I wasn't scared of him even if he was stronger, "where am I?" I was going to hug him but Jacob picked me up.

"Not now Ness!" I was a bit angry "then when? You can't kill him!" I looked back at the chair, but he was gone.

A/N: This is my new story so yeah thanks for reading, and this is also my first time writing a twilight fanfic so sorry if its bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2012 ⏰

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