To the hotel

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"Mick, just give the keys to our Michael, and they can ask which car it is!"
Mick was walking around the car park trying to figure out which car is the one is the one we would be using.
"Mr Garvey, give me the keys, I'll only be two minutes!"
I say, reaching out to get them.
"Honestly Mick, just give (Y/n) the keys, and they can go back and ask which one it is, and while they're at it, go and get those documents you left."
Janice said, unimpressed at her husband's actions.
"I didn't leave them, she didn't give them to me."
"She gave them to you and you put it on the the counter."
She argued.
"It can't be that difficult, it has a six on the number."
"They all have sixes on them."
I said, looking around at the the number plates.
I leant on Michael's shoulder.
"Alright (N/n)?"
He asked, looking down at me.
"Yeah, I will be when I get out of this heat."
I put my hand across my forehead, so it shades my eyes; looking up at the sweltering sun.
"You might be less warm if you took that jumper off."
Mick says.
"Unless you have sun cream in that bag, then no thank you."
He laughs.
Mick tried it again, and a red car on the opposite row unlocked.
"We weren't even in the right bloody row!"
Janice complained, walking towards the car.
We got into the backseat, me sitting on the right, and Michael on the left.
"Are you looking forward to spending time on the sun love?"
Janice asked looking back at me.
"You're asking the wrong person mam, if she's in the sun any of this holiday, then all hell has frozen over."
Michael answered and I rolled my eyes.
"Yes thank you Janice, I am. I'm looking forward to seeing what Benidorm is like because my dad says that it's a shit tip."
That made Mick laugh.
"A shit tip?"
Michael asked.
"He said him and mum came here before I was born, somewhere on the edge of Benidorm, and he said in his words," I pulled out my phone with the text from him. "It's a complete bloody shit whole that he would pay not to go to."
Michael nodded.
"Is it really that bad?"
"It's cheap, so it's good."
Mick convinced, and I nodded.
"Where do you usually go on your holidays?"
Janice asked me, seeing that I hadn't been to Benidorm before.
"The north side of Malaga, a place further along the coast, and Disney Land Paris, I love it there."
"You've been to Disney?!"
Michael said, gobsmacked.
"And this ladies and gentlemen, is my proof that Michael Garvey doesn't listen to anything I say."
"Like father like son."
Janice mumbled.
"My favourite ride is the run away mine train, it's awesome, the problem is my Gran hates it, so I couldn't go on it half as much. I'm just glad that we didn't go for a day trip, it's costs a lot."
"Oh yeah?" Mick asked. "How much?"
"Ninety euros per person for a day ticket."
"Yeah I know, you'd be buggered wouldn't you? You cheap arse."
Janice said.


We pulled up to Madge's house, and I gaped.
"Bloody hell, Mel was loaded."
"You can say that again (Y/n)!"
Mick chuckled.

Michael grabbed my hand, and started running towards the house.
"Wait a minute Mikey!"
"Janice do you need a hand with the bags?"
"No thank you love, I'll be alright!"
I nodded and we continued towards the salmon-pink building.

We got outside to the pool, and Michael took his top off and jumped straight in.
I pulled my jumper off, and jumped in.

Michael marvelled my outfit

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Michael marvelled my outfit.
"Worth the wait."
He winked. 
We both burst out laughing.
One minute, we were relaxing in the pool, the next we were being dragged out, being told that it isn't Madge's house.


"We're going to have to go to the Solana."
Mick sighed, knowing that he is going to have to spend money.

We pulled up to a rather large resort, with 'SOLANA' written down the side, we went inside and managed to get a hotel room. Janice and Mick had one room, and me and Michael had the other. The beds were at the opposite sides of the room, so we just pushed them together so we could talk at night.

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